Variational Bayesian Inference with Stochastic Search John Paisley1 jpaisley@berkeley.edu David M. Blei3 blei@cs.princeton.edu Michael I. Jordan1,2 jordan@eecs.berkeley.edu 1 Department of EECS, 2 Department of Statistics, UC Berkeley 3 Department of Computer Science, Princeton University Abstract Mean-field variational inference is a method for approximate Bayesian posterior inference. It approxi
People Professor: Michael Jordan (jordan@cs.berkeley.edu) Office: 401 Evans, 2-8660; 731 Soda, 2-3806 Office hours: Tues, 3-4 (401 Evans); Thurs 1-2 (731 Soda) TA: Chao Chen (chenchao@stat.berkeley.edu) Office: 385 Evans Office hours: Mon, 1-2; Weds, 1-2 Course Description: This course will provide an introduction to advanced statistical and computational methods for the modeling of complex, multi
Nonparametric Bayesian methods (Dirichlet processes) Lecturer: Kurt Miller Date: Nov 19 [Lecture slides] References There are numerous references on Bayesian methods and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques. Three useful textbooks are: Bayesian Data Analaysis. Gelman, Carlin, Stern, Rubin. The Bayesian Choice. Robert. Monte Carlo Statistical Methods. Robert, Casella. Unfortunately, there cur
Stat 260/CS 294 Bayesian Modeling and Inference Prof. Michael Jordan Monday and Wednesday, 1:30-3:00, 330 Evans Spring 2010 Announcements 4/28: Homework 5 is due on May 5th at 5pm. Hardcopies only accepted; they should be placed in the box outside my office door (427 Evans). 4/22: On problem 1 in Homework 5, you can assume that the kernel satisfies detailed balance. 4/21: The due date for the fina
header.tex Introduction [ps] [pdf] Maximal margin classification [ps] [pdf] Introduction to kernels [ps] [pdf] Ridge regression and kernels [ps] [pdf] Properties of kernels [ps] [pdf] Soft-margin SVM, sparseness [ps] [pdf] Regression, the SVD and PCA [ps] [pdf] Kernel PCA and kernel CCA Incomplete Cholesky decomposition [ps] [pdf] ANOVA kernels and diffusion kernels [ps] [pdf] String kernels and m
Pehong Chen Distinguished Professor Department of EECS Department of Statistics CLIMB Center Berkeley AI Research Lab Sky Computing University of California, Berkeley INRIA Paris Email: jordan@cs.berkeley.edu Address: 387 Soda Hall #1776 University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-1776 Grants Administrator: Judy Tam jtam@erso.berkeley.edu Biographical highlights Researcher, INRIA Paris, 2023-prese