YAPC::Asia has become huge. This year we've got 550 registrations and I think this is one of the biggest YAPCs ever.However, our organization team has been getting smaller year by year, maybe because we knew we can do this. I live in San Francisco, USA and remotely organize the conference for this 2 years, just like any other project managers do for a project. That means, the real tough work has b
I've been trying to profile Memcached::libmemcached for a while.Before I start, I'm not going to claim that I'm a C expert, so take my writings with a grain of salt. Ok?I've run a few benchmarks on Cache::Memcached::libmemcached/ Memcached::libmemcached against Cache::Memcached::Fast, and have found that get_multi() seems to be consistently slower for Memcached::libmemcached. At this point I'm inc
I've released DB-Pluggable which adds plugin support to the debugger. There are quite a few good ~/.perldb ideas around, but they're not easy to combine because they often overwrite the same DB::* functions. This distribution tries to remedy this by moving functionality to plugins. $ cat ~/.perldb use DB::Pluggable; use YAML; $DB::PluginHandler = DB::Pluggable->new(config => Load <<EOY
YAPC::Asia 2008 organizers would like to thank Eric Cholet, the author of ACT for the great conference organizing software that powers most of YAPCs and Perl Workshops.To show the appreciation in the hacker's way, I'm flying to Paris, France next weekend (April 25-28) funded by YAPC::Asia possible profit, to work on Act feature enhancement.We plan to work on these things because we want them for Y
Apart from giving me free time to finish April Strawberry my main desire for the Oslo QA Hackathon was to sit a large percentage of the CPAN movers and shakers down in one place and try to iron out some of the inconsistencies around certain metadata issues.I'm happy to report that we managed to obtain either consensus or an agreement to not make a decision and take a "wait and see" approach on a n
The latest release of CPAN::Mini needs to be replaced, because it contains stupid OS X 10.5 resource fork crap. That's not why I'm going to replace it, though.It also had a t/perl-critic.t file to check things against my Perl::Critic config. To keep other people from thinking things are busted, I put this in place: if ($ENV{PERL_TEST_CRITIC}) { if (eval { require Test::Perl::Critic }) { Test
(Editorial: Don't frontpage this post, editors. I write it down here to summarize my thought, wanting to get feedbacks from my trusted readers and NOT flame wars or another giant thread of utf-8 flag woes)I can finally say I fully grok Unicode, UTF-8 flag and all that stuff in Perl just lately. Here are some analysis of how perl programmers understand Unicode and UTF-8 flag stuff.(This post might
They said it couldn't be done. They said it SHOULDN'T be done! But I have here a working 64 bit localtime_r() on a machine with just 32 bits of time_t. Time zones, daylight savings time... it all works. $ ./miniperl -wle 'print scalar localtime(2**35)' Mon Oct 25 20:46:08 3058 Perl will be Y2038 safe. And yes, I'm going to get it backported to 5.10. The underlying C functions are solid, but I just
I switched from Subversion to Git entirely, shortly after YAPC last year. Now I only use svn for work and other people's projects, and even that is because I'm just way too lazy to bother witching to git-svn just yet.Git is a really great tool, and I have enjoyed using it much more than Subversion. By this, what I really mean is that it's generally gotten in my way a lot less while still providing
#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; my $val; sub val : lvalue { $val } val = 3; print $val; Loading DB routines from perl5db.pl version 1.28 Editor support available. Enter h or `h h' for help, or `man perldebug' for more help. main::(test.pl:6): my $val; DB<1> c Use of uninitialized value in print at test.pl line 10. at test.pl line 10 lvalue code breaks in the debugger. Not only
Now that 5.10 is out, rjbs and I have fired off a bunch of proposals for 5.12 features to p5p. These are things which should be dead obvious, at least on the surface. rjbs proposed... Was I called as a method? A caller() extension so a routine can tell if it was called as a method or not. Lexical named subroutines:
UPDATE: The module was originally written using constant overloading, but it is a dangerous and gross hack, so I changed that to use autobox framework instead (wondering why I didn't try that at first!). I updated the post accordingly.Rails has ActiveSupport, something to add funky methods to Ruby core object, to do fancy things like 2.months.ago to get Time duration object etc.I found it pretty i
YAPC::Asia 2008 is announced to be held on May 15-16th in Tokyo. More detailed information from the organizers will follow. If you are twitterer, follow http://twitter.com/yapcasia to stay tuned.
Since installing Mac OS 10.5 I've been falling in love with dtrace. I'd like to have dtrace instrumentation built into Perl as standard. Last night I started playing around with Alan Burlison's experimental dtrace patch and in particular with Richard Dawe's modified version of Alan's patch.I made some progress and got the patch to apply cleanly against bleadperl and made a couple of changes (simpl
Over on module-build@perl.org we were talking about yet more extensions to the META.yml when Eric Wilhelm pointed out that there's no way to get at the meta data for your installed modules. The META.yml isn't stored anywhere. I sort of waved my hands around about someone making some sort of CPAN REST web service...But wait, we have one. search.cpan.org has a REST API. You can do things like http:/
My Catalyst book is out and is beginning to appear in the hands of fellow Catalyst users! You can buy it from Amazon and local book stores, but it looks like the publisher (Packt) has the best price right now. Basically, this book covers getting started with Catalyst. The goal is to take you from "what's MVC?" to being able to write complete web applications with Catalyst. We'll build a few comple
Today I had an interesting report from Web::Scraper user, saying that he has a script that runs really quick (less than 1 sec) on Macbook but so slow (50 secs) on AMD dual CPU machine. Here's the dprof report: Total Elapsed Time = 47.32165 Seconds User+System Time = 31.07165 Seconds Exclusive Times %Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c Name 51.6 16.03 16.033 6922 0.0023 0.0023 XML::XPathEn
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Web::Scraper; use URI; my $uri = URI->new("http://wikisubtitles.net/ajax_loadShow.php?show=65&season=3"); my $scraper = scraper { process '//td[@class="idioma"][text()=~"English \(US\)"]/..//a', 'links[]' => '@href'; }; my $result = $scraper->scrape($uri);
Question: Is it possible to annotate/tag each CPAN module update so that we can figure out if the update contains "security fix", "minor bug fix" or "major API change" etc.?Context: At work we have a repository of third party CPAN modules that we use on Vox or TypePad. Once a module is added to the list, we manually follow the changes of each module to figure out if we need to upgrade (ala fix for
I've just upgraded my MBP to Leopard. Apple's version of tar has the annoying habit of generating extra files to represent Mac specific attributes. That's particularly annoying for CPAN authors because they tend to break your test suite and you can't easily see them without unpacking the archive on a non-Mac system. Grrr.It used to be possible to disable this behaviour by setting the env var COPY_
Some websites require you to login to the site using your credential, to view the content. It's easily scriptable with WWW::Mechanize, but if you visit the site frequently with your browser, why not reusing the browser's cookies, so as you don't need to script the login process?Web::Scraper allows you to call methods, or entirely swap its UserAgent object when it scrapes the website. Here's how to
search.cpan.org has an RSS feed for recently uploaded modules but there's only one minor problem: the feed doesn't have rich metadata.Daisuke Murase (aka typester on CPAN and IRC) created a site called CPAN Recent Changes a while ago and it's been really useful for people tracking activities on CPAN.The feature the site provides is very simple: "a better recent change log for CPAN". The site track
I've been dreaming (with a couple of folks like clkao) about having a YAPC in Hawaii. Hawaii is a great place for everyone to come, from the west/mid coast of USA, East Asia (Japan, Taiwan) and Oceania (Australia, NZ). It's gonna be a great place for attendees to bring their spouses and SOs. The conference would begin early morning and should finish like 3pm so we can get to the beach. Since Hawai
Lazyweb,Is there a module to debug your regular expression, to compare the target string and an input regular expression one byte by one? It'd be useful if you have an existent code to do a pattern match against a big chunk of string and don't know why it doesn't match. use Regexp::Debug; my $string = "abcdefg"; my $regexp = qr/abcefg/; # Notice 'd' is missing my $result = Regexp::Debug->compare
Web::Scraper with filters, and thought about Text filters A developer release of Web::Scraper is pushed to CPAN, with "filters" support. Let me explain how this filters stuff is useful for a bit.Since an early version, Web::Scraper has been having a callback mechanism which is pretty neat, so you can extract "data" out of HTML, not limited to the string.For instance, if you have an HTML
On this monday (in Japan time) we had Shibuya.pm Tech Talks #8 and we live-streamed and recorded most talks on ustream.tv under shibuya.pm tag. This ustream.tv listing works great but we want to make the Flash video files available for download, possibly as a videocast (RSS 2.0) feed so you can subscribe to using offline video player like Miro or iTunes.So we were chatting on #plagger-ja IRC chann
Shibuya Perl Mongers tech talks #8 was very successful and there were lots of fun talks like gugod's JavaScript::Writer, takesako's image hack to detect browser's img tag bugs etc.My slides are available on slideshare.net as always, along with other Shibuya.pm slides. Videos were recorded on ustream and available via shibuya.pm tag thanks to Yappo and otsune.
I've been using Devel::REPL for a while now. Like all good modules (Perl::Critic, POE, Plagger, etc), it's very extensible. Devel::REPL's design is worth studying: keep a simple core and ship all the fancy behavior as plugins. Moose amplifies the power and convenience of this design with roles, method modifiers, and general awesomeness. There are plugins to dump output with Data::Dump::Streamer, e
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