Working with Hadoop under Eclipse Here are instructions for setting up a development environment for Hadoop under the Eclipse IDE. Please feel free to make additions or modifications to this page. This document assumes you already have Eclipse downloaded, installed, and configured to your liking. It also assumes that you are aware of the HowToContribute page and have given that a read. Quick Start
Getting started The first thing you need to know is that the C++ code generated by Thrift compiles only on Unix based systems, although some success has been reported using Cygwin on Win32 in ThriftInstallationWin32. Requirements Make sure that your system meets the requirements as noted in ThriftRequirements Thrift library files Thrift header files. Installing the Thrift library Installing the Th
This section provides several recommendations on how to make your web application and Apache Tomcat as a whole to start up faster. General Before we continue to specific tips and tricks, the general advice is that if Tomcat hangs or is not responsive, you have to perform diagnostics. That is to take several thread dumps to see what Tomcat is really doing. See Troubleshooting and Diagnostics page f
You need to be added to the ContributorsGroup to edit the wiki. But don't worry! Just email any Mailing List, grab us on IRC, or submit a ticket to JIRA if you want to be added. A simple introduction to CouchDB views. Concept Views are the primary tool used for querying and reporting on CouchDB documents. There are two different kinds of views: permanent and temporary views. Permanent views are
このダイヤルに触るべからず ここで解説する設定は、定量化可能な性能問題に直面した時にのみ変更すべきです。個別のユースケースや負荷により、それぞれの設定パラメータがクラスタに与える影響は様々です。とはいえ、デフォルト設定は注意深く、かつ保守的に選択されています。 JVMヒープサイズ デフォルトではCassandraの起動スクリプトはJVMの最大ヒープサイズを1GBに設定しています。これを増やすことを検討してください:但し徐々にです! Cassandraや他のプロセスが過剰にメモリを使用すると、OSのファイルバッファやキャッシュが縮小します。 これらはCassandraの性能上、内部データ構造と同じくらい重要です。 JVMの最大ヒープを過大に設定することは過小に設定するよりもリスクが高まります。過小な設定はJMXで容易に診断できますが、過大な設定が問題の原因であることを特定するのは困難だからで
The following table lists C++0x features and their support in popular compilers.
ハードウェア CassandraHardwareを参照して下さい。 チューニング PerformanceTuningを参照して下さい。 スキーマ管理 ノードのクロックをntpなどで同期して下さい。クロックが同期していない場合、更新時刻のずれによってスキーマ変更が無効と見なされる可能性があります。 LiveSchemaUpdatesを参照して下さい。[0.7で導入された機能] リング管理 それぞれのCassandraサーバ(ノード)には、そのホストを最初のレプリカ先として使用するキーを決定するためのトークンが割り当てられます。ノードのトークンでソートした場合、あるノードが担当するキー範囲は(前のノードのトークン、自ノードのトークン]です。即ち、「前の」トークン(その値は含まない)から自分のトークン(値を含む)までの間隔です。リングの中で最も小さいトークンを持つノードはそのトークン値以下のキー
Spatial Search (docs + features under development). Examine SpatialSearch prior to this page if you have not already. Solr also supports other spatial capabilities beyond just latitude and longitude. For example, a PointType can be used to represent a point in an n-dimensional space. This can be useful, for instance, for searching in CAD drawings or blueprints. Solr also supports other distance me
0.7より前のリリースではCassandraのストレージ設定はconf/storage-conf.xmlに記述されていました。バージョン0.7では、ストレージ設定はconf/cassandra.yamlに記述されます。 設定の読み込み config-converter bin/config-converterはstorage-conf.xmlを可能な限り忠実にYAML形式に変換します。このツールはあなたのxmlファイルがconf/storage-conf.xmlに配置されており、また出力先がconf/cassandra.yamlであることを想定しています。ただし、0.7において多くのプロパティのスコープが変更されたため(例えば、endpoint_snitchはKS単位ではなくグローバルスコープに、gc_grace_secondsはグローバルからKeyspace単位に変わっています)、自動生
These instructions are for installing and running Hadoop on a OS X single node cluster (MacPro). This tutorial follows the same format and largely the same steps of the incredibly thorough and well-written tutorial by Michael Noll about Ubuntu Cluster Setup. This is pretty much his procedure with changes made for OS X users. I also added other things that I was able to piece together after looking
This document is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non infringement. In no event shall the author be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with this document or t
THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE OUTDATED Please see https://github.com/couchbase/Android-Couchbase-SourceBuild for up-to-date instructions Installing CouchDB on Android (from source) Update February 27th, 2011 Below are updated instructions that produce a build that is better organized for Android, somewhat more lightweight in the final product and slightly more straightforward to understand (and with supp
There are three types of variable data files to backup: Database files Configuration files Log files Couch-users discussion from Damien Katz - August 2008: Actually, you can copy a live database file from the OS at anytime without problem. Doesn't matter if its being updated, or even if its being compacted, the CouchDB never-overwrite storage format ensures it should just work without issue.For al
1. Map Join Optimization 1.1 Using Distributed Cache to Propagate Hashtable File Previously, when 2 large data tables need to do a join, there will be 2 different Mappers to sort these tables based on the join key and emit an intermediate file, and the Reducer will take the intermediate file as input file and do the real join work. This join mechanism (referred to as Common Join) is perfect with t
Introduction This page documents the Hive/HBase integration support originally introduced in HIVE-705. This feature allows Hive QL statements to access HBase tables for both read (SELECT) and write (INSERT). It is even possible to combine access to HBase tables with native Hive tables via joins and unions. A presentation is available from the HBase HUG10 Meetup This feature is a work in progress,
Benjamin Reed of Yahoo! presenting Apache ZooKeeper at LinkedIn Hedwig hedwig-oct.pdf Flavio Junqueira of Yahoo! presenting Apache ZooKeeper at INFORUM 2010 (slides in Portuguese) Distributed coordination inforum-2010-web.pdf Mahadev Konar of Yahoo! presenting Apache ZooKeeper at HBase User Group 10 ZooKeeper and HBase zookeeper_hbase.pptx A small intro on ZooKeeper, how HBase currently uses ZooKe
If you are new to Cassandra and just want to get started, take a look at the available clients ClientOptions (v0.6) instead. This page shows examples of using the low-level Thrift interface, primarily intended for client library developers. To generate the bindings for a particular language, first find out if Thrift supports that language. If it does, you can run "thrift --gen XYZ interface/cassan
This page contains details about the hive design and architecture. A brief technical report about Hive is available at hive.pdf. Figure 1 Hive Architecture Figure 1 shows the major components of Hive and its interactions with Hadoop. As shown in that figure, the main components of Hive are: UI - The user interface for users to submit queries and other operations to the system. Currently the syst
In the CLI, use the commands below to show the latest documentation: SHOW FUNCTIONS; DESCRIBE FUNCTION <function_name>; Built-in Operators Relational Operators The following operators compare the passed operands and generate a TRUE or FALSE value depending on whether the comparison between the operands holds.
1. Concepts 1.1. What is Hive Hive is a data warehousing infrastructure based on the Hadoop. Hadoop provides massive scale out and fault tolerance capabilities for data storage and processing (using the map-reduce programming paradigm) on commodity hardware. Hive is designed to enable easy data summarization, ad-hoc querying and analysis of large volumes of data. It provides a simple query languag
THIS PAGE IS OBSOLETE. Please use Pig Latin documentation at http://hadoop.apache.org/pig/docs/r0.7.0/piglatin_ref1.html Note: For Pig 0.2.0 or later, some content on this page may no longer be applicable. So you want to learn Pig Latin. Welcome! Lets begin with the data types. Data Types Every piece of data in Pig has one of these four types: A Data Atom is a simple atomic data value. It is store
Statistics and Data Mining in Hive This page is the secondary documentation for the slightly more advanced statistical and data mining functions that are being integrated into Hive, and especially the functions that warrant more than one-line descriptions. ngrams() and context_ngrams(): N-gram frequency estimation N-grams are subsequences of length N drawn from a longer sequence. The purpose of t
THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS Prerequisites Ruby on Rails 1.2.x Java 1.5+ Getting Started The example shown at http://code4lib.org/node/154 can be run locally following these steps: Install Solr (a nightly build is recommended) Install solr-ruby gem: gem install solr-ruby Download Flare: svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/dev/trunk/solr/client/ruby/flare Launch Solr
Presentations about Hive A list of presentations mainly focused on Hive. Hive ApacheCon 2008, New Oreleans, LA (Ashish Thusoo, Facebook) Facebook and Open Source, UIUC, (Zheng Shao, Facebook) Hive: Data Warehousing with Hadoop, NYC Hadoop User Meetup (Jeff Hammerbacher, Cloudera) Hive: Data Warehousing Analytics on Hadoop, UC Berkeley, (Joydeep Sarma, Namit Jain, Zheng Shao, Facebook) An Introduct
This is a straw-man pie-in-the-sky thinking on a Ruby Solr DSL: class Book attr_reader :isbn attr_reader :title attr_reader :subjects attr_reader :authors attr_reader :dates include Solrable solr :id => :isbn solr_facet :subject solr_facet :year do self.dates.collect { |date| date.year } end end # Search for full-text matches in the author* field Book.search_by_author("sekida") # Search for full-t
Overview Cassandraの書き込みはまずコミットログ(CommitLog)に対して行われます。そしてColumnFamilyごとにMemtableと呼ばれる構造体に対して書き込まれます。Memtableは基本的にキーで参照可能なデータ行のライトバックキャッシュです。つまりライトスルーキャッシュと違ってSSTableとしてディスクに書き込まれる前に、Memtableが一杯になるまで書き込まれます。 Flushing MemtableをSSTableへ変換するプロセスをフラッシュ(flushing)と呼びます。JMX経由で(例えばnodetoolを使用して)手動でフラッシュを実行することも可能です。コミットログのリプレイ時間を短くするためにノードを再起動する前に行った方が良いでしょう。Memtableはキーでソートされ、シーケンシャルに書き出されます。 したがって書き込みは超高速に
FunctionQuery allows one to use the actual value of a field and functions of those fields in a relevancy score. What is a Function? A function can be: A Constant (numeric or string literal) - See "constant" and "literal" below. A Field - See "fieldvalue" below. Also see notes later on multivalued/vector fields. Another Function Solr4.0 A parameter substitution: $arg, where arg is another function
Official Package To Install On Debian(tm) (not a product of Debian(tm)) Add the following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list: deb http://www.apache.org/dist/cassandra/debian 30x main deb-src http://www.apache.org/dist/cassandra/debian 30x mainYou will want to replace 30x by the series you want to use: 22x for the 2.2.x series, 21x for the 2.1.x series, etc... You will not automatically get major versi