JavaScript: The First 20 Years by Allen Wirfs-Brock and Brendan Eich Our HOPL paper is done and submitted to the ACM for June 2020 publication in PACMPL (Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages) and presentation at the HOPL 4 conference in June 2021. PACMPL is an open access journal so there isn’t a paywall preventing people from reading our paper. The official version of the paper is a
Our HOPL paper is done—all 190 pages of it. The preprint will be posted this week. In the meantime, here’s a little teaser. JavaScript: The First 20 Years By Allen Wirfs-Brock and Brendan Eich Introduction In 2020, the World Wide Web is ubiquitous with over a billion websites accessible from billions of Web-connected devices. Each of those devices runs a Web browser or similar program which is ab
Programming Language Standardization: Patterns for Participation Allen Wirfs-Brock Wirfs-Brock Associates, Inc allen@wirfs-brock.com Abstract. A technical design team is a group that is chartered to collectively work to develop solutions to a set of related technical problems. A standards committee is a group is that chartered to produce the normative specification for some technology. A programmi
My recent post on testing for negative 0 in JavaScript created a lot of interest. So today, I’m going to talk about another bit of JavaScript obscurity that was also inspired by a Twitter thread. I recently noticed this tweet go by: This was obviously a trick question. Presumably some programmer expected this expression to produce an array like [1, 2, 3] and it doesn’t. Why not? What does it act