Casual Parsing in JavaScript August 16, 2021 Over the last year and a half I've gotten really into writing parsers and parser-adjacent things like interpreters, transpilers, etc. I've done most of these projects in JavaScript, and I've settled into a nice little pattern that I re-use across projects. I wanted to share it because I think it's neat, and it's brought me joy, and it could be an intere
Why Rust strings seem hard April 13, 2021 Lately I've been seeing lots of anecdotes from people trying to get into Rust who get really hung up on strings (&str, String, and their relationship). Beyond Rust's usual challenges around ownership, there can be an added layer of frustration because strings are so easy in the great majority of languages. You just add them together, split them, whatever!
Write code. Not too much. Mostly functions. December 15, 2020 There's a well-known quote by author Michael Pollan: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." I like it because it doesn't attempt to be dogmatic: it encapsulates some basic guiding principles that get you 90% of the way there 90% of the time. Wikipedia describes the book the quote is from (emphasis mine): He explains...the notion that