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Exciting News — ShareLaTeX is joining OverleafJuly 20, 2017 We've got some exciting news — Overleaf and ShareLaTeX are joining forces, and we will be bringing our teams and services together as we continue to build the best tools for collaborative writing. Over the past 4 years, both ShareLaTeX and Overleaf have gone from strength to strength — seeing rapid, sustained growth in usage — and have em
This introductory tutorial does not assume any prior experience of LaTeX but, hopefully, by the time you are finished, you will not only have written your first LaTeX document but also acquired sufficient knowledge and confidence to take the next steps toward LaTeX proficiency. What is LaTeX? LaTeX (pronounced “LAY-tek” or “LAH-tek”) is a tool for typesetting professional-looking documents. Howeve
Post-publication update (added 13 May, 2017): We are grateful to Vít Novotný, the author/maintainer of the markdown package, for writing to us with some helpful feedback concerning the original article. We are pleased to publish this updated version which takes note of, and includes, his advice and suggestions. Huh, what? Markdown is a lightweight markup language (get it? 😉) that lets you write u
Journal articlesSelect from an array of journal templates and submit directly from Overleaf. BibliographiesCreate bibliographies in LaTeX quickly and easily using packages like bibtex, natbib, and biblatex.
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The next commands are the ones that set the bibliography style and import the bibliography file. See Bibliography management with biblatex for more information. %in the preamble %-------------------------------- \usepackage[ backend=biber, style=stylename, ]{biblatex} \addbibresource{bibfile} %-------------------------------- %Where the bibliography will be printed \printbibliography where bibfile
Introduction Documents usually have some form of “logical structure”: division into chapters, sections, sub-sections etc. to organize their content. LaTeX supports the creation of a document structure and also enables customization of sectioning and numbering. The commands available to organize a document depend on the document class being used, although the simplest form of organization, sectioni
Write like a rocket scientist with Overleaf —the collaborative, online LaTeX editor that anyone can use.
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