I’m excited to announce that as of today, the team at Ordered List officially joins GitHub in its quest to build the best developer tools in the world. We’re bringing along our talent, our passion, and our products (Speaker Deck, Gaug.es, and Harmony). And we couldn’t be more excited about our future together. Why Join GitHub? For one, we truly believe that GitHub is one of the best software compa
Ever wondered how to create an element that flares into another using only CSS? Here’s a quick tutorial using existing CSS attributes, in combination with CSS generated content, to produce the effect using no images at all, and no additional markup. And it falls back gracefully for older browsers.Let’s start with a mockup of what we want to build. And, if you want to jump right to the end, here’s
A few days ago John posted a rewritten version of Cabel Sasser’s FancyZoom to work with Prototype and Scriptaculous. I took it upon myself to port it to jQuery, while making a few usability improvements. FIrst off, you can visit the demo to see the effect in action. It’s nearly identical in behavior to John’s original in Prototype. But the fancyZoom effect is added in a much more jQuery-like way.
The HTML5 specification has added quite a few interesting and useful tags for structuring your markup. For a majority of everyday uses, these tags will replace many of our typical div entries from our code. So let’s dig in. Defining Structure <section> A section is a thematic grouping of content, typically preceded by header, possibly with a footer after. sections can be nested inside of each othe
I hate lightboxes. Everyone who knows me, knows this. When I saw Cabel Sasser’s FancyZoom, a similar interaction, I liked the idea but not the exact implementation, so I rewrote it. So what didn’t I like about Cabel’s? Nothing big and nothing deal breaking, just more a matter of preference. First, I didn’t like that it used AJAX. I tend to lean towards the side of rendering everything and then sho
Fancy Zoom (jQuery) Zoomy JavaScript based loosely on Fancy Zoom by Cabel Sasser. Original Article Github Lighthouse This works with any html (images, text, headings, flash). The only caveat is it doesn't currently work with AJAX. Whatever you want to zoom to must be html already on the page. Below are several examples. Width and height of zoom box are configurable through optional setting or
I've been going against convention when creating my CSS files for over two years now. I put my selector, brackets, and attribute/value pairs all on a single line in my CSS file. And I love it. Let me show you why. To give credit where it's due, this technique was originally show to me by John Nunemaker. And when I first saw it, I likely responded the same way you will shortly. “Um. No thanks, that
The FeedBurner Plugin Has Moved This plugin has officially moved to it’s new home over at FeedBurner. I’ve handed over the future development of this plugin to the guys over at FeedBurner, so they can nurture it like it deserves. To download the plugin, visit the new plugin page at FeedBurner and enjoy. Copyright © 2004-2008 Ordered List Inc. ISSN# 1555-7928. All Rights Reserved. Don't steal our
So I’ve been curious about FeedBurner and it’s increasing popularity these days. I decided to try it out with this site, but instead of making the edits to the core WordPress files, I decided to make it a plugin. This is a beta release, and should work with WordPress 1.5. It was tested on this site, and with a fresh install of WP 1.5. The plugin works the best when WP is able to edit the .htaccess
I’ve been meaning for some time to give a little tutorial on the live search I created for this latest design. There are a few steps involved, and I’ll do my best to explain each as we go. I should also note that I’m not including all the effects that you’ll find in my search. I need to keep mine unique, right? Also, I’ll be touching on a few steps that are WordPress specific, but the theory can b
rambling thoughts on software development, product design, and working with a team May 22, 2015 Designing in the Build I don’t know how to design software without building it. I said it. Maybe that means my design skills need to be better. Sure, I’ll start with sketches or mockups. But very quickly, I’ll move into the build. Read more December 29, 2013 Finishing For me, starting a project is thril
WP Tiger Administration Downloaded over 40,000 Times So What Does This Do? The current default WordPress administration area is functional, but I felt it could be improved. For several reasons, I didn’t want to touch the XHTML framework of the admin, but instead relied on the power of CSS2 to manipulate the presentation. The whole package has been wrapped up into a single plugin. Just install a
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