Bucklescript vs Elm vs Typescript: Typed Javascript showdown! You, a web developer, have probably heard of Typescript, may have heard of Elm, and you might even have heard of Bucklescript/ReasonML as well. Each of these represents a compiles-to-javascript language with strong type support, but each has some different opinions, philosophies, and features. In this article I’ll walk you through the f
Sinatra, the Ruby microframework. What were you thinking?Clojure has an approachability problem. In part, this is due to the relatively unusual syntax, but that can’t get all the credit. When it comes to building server-side web applications, a major sticking point is the “lack of frameworks” problem, and more to the point, the common Clojurian’s response: “Clojure users prefer to assemble their o
Here’s a toy program I wrote implemented in PHP, Python, Ruby, and Clojure. I hope it’s helpful for someone who knows at least one of those and wants to learn another. The program is called “Nurblizer”, and it does one thing: Accept free-form text, and attempt to replace all words but the nouns in said text with the word “nurble”. It’s up and running at http://nurblizer.herokuapp.com First, the PH
A code comparison of Lamina, Pulsar, core.async, and core.reducersClojure, being the extensible, malleable, rewritable language that it is, is spoiled for choice when it comes to making your cores work for you. You can pick your poison when it comes to making your program concurrent. On Github:You can find the code at this github repository Today I’m going to take you on a stroll through 4 differe
A Project Euler showdownAmbrose Bonnaire-Sergeant’s core.typed library has been receiving a lot of attention lately. In fact, Ambrose has just raised a well-deserved $20,000 to continue his work on the library. I was doing Project Euler problems this weekend in Haskell for fun, and I thought it might be interesting to compare some solutions in typed clojure and Haskell. If you’ve not done Project
(that you've probably never heard of)On the eve of learnxinyminutes.com getting TechCrunch’d, I thought I’d write about a few of my favorite languages on the site. Learn X in Y minutes has a lot of conventional blockbusters like C and Java now, as well as old cult favorites like Haskell and Erlang, but it was the independent films — that is, languages — that received some of the earliest attention
Today, I want to provide a guided tour through some of the many libraries available from the Clojure team that don’t come distributed with Clojure. Consider them Clojures standard library. Some came from old clojure.contrib libs, others are brand-new, but all are great. ForewordI spend a lot of time thinking about how to make Clojure more popular. After all, if there’s more code written in Clojure