Cassandra Query Patterns: Not using the “in” query for multiple partitions. 22 September, 2014. It was a Monday. So lets say you’re doing you’re best to data model all around one partition. You’ve done your homework and all you queries look like this: Over time as features are added however, you make some tradeoffs and need to start doing queries across partitions. At first there are only a few qu
Angular JS blog series – Table of content 26 February, 2014. It was a Wednesday. This is a series of posts about AngularJS and our experiences with it while migrating the client of a complex enterprise application from Silverlight to HTML5/CSS/JavaScript using AngularJS as a framework. So far I have published the following posts AngularJS – Part 1 AngularJS – Part 1, Feedback AngularJS – Part 2, t
Using the Specification Pattern for Querying 11 September, 2009. It was a Friday. The specification pattern is great for adhering to the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). The reason it can be so powerful is that it encapsulates one piece of logic, and nothing more. I’ve decided to come up with some code that takes advantage of this very easily readable and maintainable code structure. What Is
Managing Layouts And Nested Views With Backbone.Marionette 22 March, 2012. It was a Thursday. I’ve received numerous questions about managing layouts and nested views in Backbone over the last few months. Until recently, though, I never had a great answer. Many of the applications that I’ve built had a lot of custom code to handle the specific needs of that application’s layout and generally avoid
Don’t Do Role-Based Authorization Checks; Do Activity-Based Checks 24 May, 2011. It was a Tuesday. I’ve built a few dozen security mechanisms in my career. Unfortunately, I kept getting it wrong, hence the need to keep building them. Over the years, though, I learned a number of different ways that a security system can be built. One of my favorite ways to build authorization systems is through th
MarionetteJS v1.0 25 March, 2013. It was a Monday. Hot on the heels of the Backbone v1.0 release, I present MarionetteJS v1.0! I quietly released it over the weekend, and I’m glad I did. I already had a bug report and have released v1.0.1 to fix it. 😀 The last few years of working on Marionette have been tremendously fun, exciting, frustrating at time, and have provided much more work and opportu
Managing Events As Relationships, Not Just References 6 February, 2013. It was a Wednesday. In my Scaling Backbone Apps With Marionette talk, I have some slides that deal with JavaScript zombies in Backbone apps. This isn’t a new subject by any means. It is one that I talk about a lot, and spend a lot of time explaining to others. But there is one aspect of this talk and the related material that
Backbone.js And JavaScript Garbage Collection 19 March, 2012. It was a Monday. A question was asked on Stack Overflow recently, and I provided an answer that I think is worth re-blogging here (while cleaning up the text / grammar). My answer goes in to a little bit of the idea behind a garbage collected language and gets in to some of the basics of how JavaScript knows when to clean up your “garba
Backbone.js Is Not An MVC Framework 23 December, 2011. It was a Friday. I’ve seen this question / statement / argument more than a few dozen times. I don’t particularly care whether or not people try to understand Backbone in terms of MVC frameworks, because that’s how we learn. We adapt new ideas based on existing knowledge experience, before we fully understand the new idea. However, I do care t
View Helpers For Underscore Templates 26 April, 2012. It was a Thursday. Underscore’s template engine lets you run any arbitrary JavaScript code that you want, within a template. You could write an entire JavaScript application within an underscore template if you want. But this is a really bad idea. Templates should be clean and simple. Some people go so far as to say “logic-less templates”, but
Asynchronously Load HTML Templates For Backbone Views 9 February, 2012. It was a Thursday. UPDATE: It turns out this is a really bad idea. Don’t async fetch individual templates. In the end, having done asynchronous fetching of individual templates on a few productions apps, it’s a really bad idea. The network latency and multiple requests that are made back to the server destroy any sense of spee
Why I’m done with Scrum 12 September, 2012. It was a Wednesday. My first foray into Agile was with a product team back in 2004-2005. It was my first “real” job out of college, and my first experience with a death march. During the death march, I was struck on how bad the idea of death marching was. Working weekends, long hours etc. were a sign of failure not on the development team, but our a fail
Backbone.js: Getting The Model For A Clicked Element 11 October, 2011. It was a Tuesday. I see variations of these questions on StackOverflow quite frequently: I have an HTML element rendered for each model in my collection. How do I get the model for the item that I clicked? or I rendered all my models using a template, but when I click on one of them my event handler fires for all of them. What
References, Routing, And The Event Aggregator: Coordinating Views In Backbone.js 19 July, 2011. It was a Tuesday. I recently found myself needing to facilitate communication between two backbone views. The first view is a medication – one that is currently being taken by a particular patient. The second view is the add/edit view that allows the patient to either add new medications or edit existin
Zombies! RUN! (Managing Page Transitions In Backbone Apps) 15 September, 2011. It was a Thursday. One of the common issues or questions I see for Backbone.js goes something like this: “Whenever I hit the same route more than once, I end up getting seeing this call being made multiple times. It seems to accumulate another call every time I hit the route. What’s going on?” or “I’ve noticed that my v
Using jQuery, Plugins and UI Controls With Backbone 20 February, 2012. It was a Monday. Most Backbone applications either use jQuery or Zepto as their DOM manipulation of choice. I tend to use jQuery as it’s supported across more browsers and has more features – though it is a little heavier in terms of download size (and maybe performance). I also use a lot of jQuery plugins for various controls,
JavaScript Closures Explained 17 February, 2012. It was a Friday. If you write any code in JavaScript then you’ve probably used closures, but do you actually understand what they are and how they work? Taking the time to understand closures and how they’re implemented can add a deeper dimension to your understanding of the JavaScript language. In this article, I’ll discuss what closures are and
Setting up Ubuntu Jaunty for Ruby and Rails development 6 May, 2009. It was a Wednesday. Getting Ruby setup on Ubuntu – Jaunty UPDATED: Added RSpec for Rails as well Here are some quick steps to get you up and running with Ruby on Ubuntu, Take about 15 minutes depending on your internet connection. Step 1: The first thing you need to do is update the packages in Ubuntu open the terminal window (Ap
SOLID Development Principles – In Motivational Pictures 11 February, 2009. It was a Wednesday. I found the Motivator this morning. It lets you create your own motivational pictures. So, here’s my first run at creating the SOLID software development principles in motivational picture form. I ‘borrowed’ the images from google image search results. I hope you find them to be as fun as I do! I have th
Getting Started With jQuery QUnit for Client-Side Javascript Testing 29 August, 2008. It was a Friday. Setup First of all, I’m assuming you’re already using jQuery. If not, you should be 🙂 QUnit may help you for non-jQuery testing, but it’ll work better with jQuery. Second, you should start by downloading and setting up QUnit (from this link). QUnit consists of a single JS file (testrunner.js) a
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