I'm happy to share with you the first chapter of my new book, Microservices for everyone. I'm still in the process of writing it and intend to release parts of it during the next weeks. If you're interested, sign up on the book's landing page and receive a 25% discount when the first chapter gets released. If you're curious about the table of contents so far: you'll find it in the PDF version of t
This is a response to Peter Petermann's article Composer and virtual packages. First, let's make this totally clear: I don't want to start an Internet war about this, I'm just pointing out some design issues that may arise from using Composer's provide option in your package's composer.json file. This means it's also nothing personal. To Peter: you wrote a very nice article and shed light on an un
Part I: Don't use the standard controller The general belief is that controllers are the most tightly coupled classes in every application. Most of the time based on the request data, they fetch and/or store persistent data from/in some place, then turn the data into HTML, which serves as the response to the client who initially made the request. So controllers are "all over the place", they glue
A couple of weeks ago, Tomas Votruba emailed me saying that he just realized that we hadn't published an update of the book we wrote together since December 2021. The book I'm talking about is "Rector - The Power of Automated Refactoring". Two years have passed since we published the current version. Of course, we're all very busy, but no time for excuses - this is a book about keeping projects up
The Symfony Security Component provides a two-layer security system: first it authenticates a user, then is authorizes him for the current request. Authentication means "identify yourself". Authorization means: "let's see if you have the right to be here". The deciding authority in this case will be the AccessDecisionManager. It has a number of voters (which you may create yourself too). Each vote
Please note: I have rewritten this post for the official Symfony Config Component documentation. The version on the Symfony website will be kept up to date, while this one will not. My previous post was about finding and loading configuration files. I now continue my Symfony2 Config Component quest with a post about the way you can "semantically expose your configuration" (using the TreeBuilder).
The JMSSerializerBundle has a VersionExclusionStrategy, which allows you to serialize/deserialize objects for a specific version of your API. You can mark the properties that are available for different versions using the @Since and @Until annotations: use JMS\SerializerBundle\Annotation\Type; use JMS\SerializerBundle\Annotation\Since; use JMS\SerializerBundle\Annotation\Until; class Comment { /**
When I created my first Silex project, I almost felt encouraged to let go of my high standards in programming. So things were starting to look very much like my "legacy" PHP projects, in which everything was put in functions with lengthy parameter lists and those functions were called from within a single index.php file. I ignored many of the things about high quality software development I had le
One of the ugly things about Symfony 1 validators was that their dependencies were generally fetched from far away, mainly by calling sfContext::getInstance(). With Symfony2 and it's service container, this isn't necessary anymore. Validators can be services. The example below is quite simple, but given you can inject anything you want, you can make it quite complicated. I show you how to create a
After writing this article I've modified it to become part of the official Symfony documentation as a Cookbook article. Afterwards it has been moved to the Dependency Injection Component documentation. First of all: dependency injection is GREAT! Several of Symfony2's core services depend on tags to recognize which user-defined services should be loaded, notified of events, etc. For example, Twig
I was looking into the Doctrine Common library; it seems to me that especially the AnnotationReader is quite interesting. Several Symfony2 bundles use annotation for quick configuration. For example adding an @Route annotation to your actions allows you to add them "automatically" to the route collection. The bundles that leverage the possibilities of annotation all use the Doctrine Common Annotat
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