Dead code = Unused / Unreachable codeRecently I had the opportunity to work on a legacy Ruby on Rails application (~8 years old). An application running for this long comes with its own problems. More than 20 different developers had worked on the application. Around 10 were still actively working on it. In these circumstances, it was not a surprise that it was filled will dead code. The task to c
dbt-bigquery-monitoring helps you to monitor your BigQuery compute and storage assetsIntroductionI’ve been using BigQuery for eight years, and it’s been an incredible platform for working with data at scale using SQL. Running queries and creating tables for analytics and data products is remarkably easy. The advent of dbt has further simplified creating complex workflows for many data practitioner
Earlier I presented one useful design pattern to migrate to a monolithic application to microservices. This pattern is the Strangler Fig pattern and the article can be found here. Here some other specific microservices design patterns will be presented. What is a Microservice?As a reminder and before going into details on the design patterns, let’s review what is a microservice, and the challenges
2024 年 8 月に、時雨堂の自社サービスである Sora Cloud を DataPacket というベアメタルクラウドサービスから Akamai Connected Cloud (以降 Linode) へ移行しました。 なぜ移行したのか自社製品である WebRTC SFU Sora でスケールアウトが実現できるようになったためです。 Sora Cloud は時雨堂が開発しているパッケージソフトウェアである WebRTC SFU Sora (以降 Sora) のクラウド版です。 この Sora が Raft ベースの分散システムに対応し、スケールアウトを実現できるようになりました。そのため、DataPacket のベアメタルサーバーで高スペックのマシンを利用する必要がなくなり、低スペックなサーバーをたくさん並べることで、好きなだけスケールできるようになりました。 移行先の選定条件として
1968年の創刊以来、『情況』は「変革」を志向する多くの読者・寄稿者の集う雑誌として刊行されてきた。「変革のための総合誌」たることは表紙にも掲げられてきた同誌の理念である。ところが、2024年夏号「トランスジェンダー特集」はその理念を裏切る差別の容認と保守的党派性に陥っていると私たちは考える。この特集を受け、『情況』の読者・寄稿者として知り合った私たちは、同特集に対する抗議の意思を公表することにした。編集部に対し、本声明への真摯な応答と今後の方針をめぐる見解を表明するよう強く求めるものである。 1. 差別を論じる前提 「トランスジェンダー特集」は、「言論の自由」の名の下に「トランスヘイトの自由」を掲げる論考を掲載した。私たちはヘイトに反対する。差別をめぐって考慮すべき異なる立場や論点があることは、ヘイト言説を掲載する理由にならない。今回の誌面においては、「言論の自由」が差別や抑圧の是認と混
Go 1.23 comes with a new package unique implementing interning, and a blog post about it. Interning is re-using objects of equal value instead of keeping duplicate equal objects in memory. It is intended to reduce memory usage. Example programThe source code is hosted on GitHub. This program is an illustration of a use case for unique, with numbers! A large string in memoryIn this example, I have
This piece is a community contribution from Frances, a recognised leader in the Data, Analytics, and AI space. With over 16 years of experience, Frances has delivered impactful data solutions across various sectors, with a focus on data management in financial services. She has also contributed to multiple projects in data transformations, cloud migrations, and data products, using a range of tech
Notes from my reading in quest to answer questions like: How do I choose the right embedding model for a task? Will the same embedding model work for all my tasks? How can I evaluate an embedding model for a given task? How do I detect bias in embedding model? Is the model with higher number of dimensions always the best choice? What are Embeddings?Imagine trying to explain the taste of an apple t
All designs by Kit Friend, except for Henrik Kniberg’s skateboard image and others where stated (sources provided below). Henrik Kniberg’s much loved skateboard-into-car visual analogy is hugely popular, and in the various forums he’s presented it in comes with all the fantastic explanation and narrative you’d expect from the prolific agile coach (“Making sense of MVP”), all of which deserve a tho
本記事中で紹介しているユーザスクリプト「どこでもCopilot」。ChromeビルトインのLLMで、任意のフォーム上で文章の続きをサジェスト。外部通信なし、無料で動作こんにちは、カラクリR&Dの吉田です。今回は、10本ノック「番外編」ということで、Google Chrome の最新版に先日(2024年8月22日)組み込まれたローカルLLMの話をします。 本記事の概要2024年8月22日に公開された Google Chrome の「バージョン128」にローカルLLM として Gemini Nano が組み込まれました。このLLMは、フロントエンド JavaScript から手軽に呼び出し可能で、ローカルLLMなので外部への通信は発生しません。しかも無料です。 本記事では、このLLMを体験する方法を記します。また、このLLMを応用して、任意のフォーム上で入力した文章の続きをリアルタイムで補完し
So, you’ve been working with Kotlin Coroutines for a while and you’re already familiar with basic concepts like suspend functions and thelaunchbuilder. But as your projects become more complex, you might find yourself frequently searching for advanced solutions and asking Google or your favorite AI for help. This cheat sheet consolidates the key insights I’ve picked up along the way. It’s designed
IntroductionAirbnb’s frontend recently reached a major milestone: all of our web surfaces have been upgraded from React 16 to React 18, the current major version of React¹. This was a big project for a product with many surfaces, including Guest and Host pages as well as many internal tools. To safely perform this upgrade, we created the React Upgrade System: reusable infrastructure that allows us
Sitting on my couch, browsing through YouTube recommendations, I came across a video by Prompt Engineering on Google’s latest open-source Python framework named ‘Mesop,’ which is used by teams at Google for internal tooling and rapid prototyping. If you are wondering what ‘Mesop’ means, stop overthinking. Not everything in life makes sense. Will, if you are reading this, drop it in the comments be
技術負債が溜まっている勘所について。現場のエンジニアは実際のシステムを触っているので変更や追加をする過程で当事者になるのでおおよそ異変に気づく。 一方、実際にそのシステムに対となるプロダクトに関わっているのはエンジニアだけではない。PdMやEM、事業責任者がいる中でこのメンバーにどう常に変化し続けるシステムアーキテクチャの異変に気づいてもらうのか、自ら気づかせるのかは至難の業である。 とはいえ、つばり一番わかり易いのは工数の予測精度の幅がある。 以下の3つのフェーズがあったときにそれぞれのズレが大きい場合は負債が溜まっていることが多い。(特に、1.と3.) 一般的な視点と現場システムへの理解度のズレ詳細から開発手前での予測のズレ予測工数と実績工数のズレここでいう工数予測がズレるのはエンジニアリングスキルの問題ではなく、システムに関する理解度の認知問題によってズレるケースが該当する 1.一般
Here I will share my current development environment setup and the philosophy behind it. I’ll try to keep this article updated with my latest approaches and insights. Philosophy DefinitionProductivity, power, reliability, cleanliness, aesthetics — it’s all about that. ProductivityWhen I say “productivity”, I mean being able to edit your code and navigate through your editor blazingly fast. This ve
By far the best algorithmic trading experience. Learn to conquer the markets by deploying algorithmic trading… I was a young, hopeful Rust fanatic. On paper, Rust seemed like the programming languages designed by the gods. Not only is it the fastest programming language out there, its also one of the safest. I’m not alone in thinking Rust was this perfect language. If you read about the Rust progr
So what is a Bug Bash?Bug Bash literally means to hunt for bugs. Bug Bash is a collaborative team effort where a cross-functional team aims to find as many bugs as possible in a product they develop. My understanding is actually quite close to what is stated in Wikipedia. So the idea of a Bug Bash session is to find as many bugs as possible in a time-boxed period. Usually, a Bug Bash is conducted
How we applied qualitative learning, human labeling and machine learning to iteratively develop Airbnb’s Community Support Taxonomy. By: Mia Zhao, Peggy Shao, Maggie Hanson, Peng Wang, Bo Zeng BackgroundTaxonomies are knowledge organization systems used to classify and organize information. Taxonomies use words to describe things — as opposed to numbers or symbols — and hierarchies to group things
An abstract vision of abstracting database/sql boilerplateIntroductionThis post is part of the Eureka Advent Calendar 2022. database/sql provides everything needed to work with SQL in Go, yet there’s an ever-growing list of query builders, ORMs and database utilities being developed by the community. Is database/sql really so bad? In this post we’ll explore what can be achieved using Go generics w
Last month the V8 team published an excellent blog post on what they call the V8 Sandbox. This isn’t a sandbox for your JavaScript code — it’s intended to mitigate browser exploits caused by bugs in the JIT compiler itself. That’s important work because they report that most Chrome exploits start with a V8 memory safety bug. V8 is written in C++, so it may seem like these are the sort of bugs you’
Designing software with layers is common — and broken. It’s broken for two reasons: Layers suggest some form of abstraction; but layering very fundamentally is not about abstraction.Layering relies on functional dependencies which are hard to test and make software difficult to understand and evolve.No Abstraction with LayersTake this layered design: Do you see the difference? Even though Scott Ha
ArcFaceはメトリックスラーニングという仕組みを使用しており、通常のClassificationタスクにSoftmax Lossを置き換えるAngular Mergin Lossを導入することで、距離学習をClassificationタスクで解くことができるようになっています。 顔同士の距離はCos距離を用いています。Cos距離は検索エンジンでも使用される方法で、正規化された2つのベクトルの内積で計算できます。2つのベクトルが同じであればθが0になりcosθ=1、直行していればθがπ/2になりcosθ=0になります。そのため、類似度として使用できます。 (出典:https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.07698)通常のClassificationタスクでは、Featureを計算した後、FC層でFeatureとWeightの内積を取り、出力にSoftmaxを適用します。 A
Node.js ecosystem is experiencing an interesting development of toolings in the ORM fields. Few years ago, we had the veteran ORMs , Sequalize and TypeORM. In the last year and a half, 2 more libraries are gaining popularity — Prisma and Drizzle. each one of those 4 libraries is part of different family of tools. So what are they? what are their strength ? and if I start a new project — which one
Since the emergence of generative AI products like Chat GPT and GPT4 last year, there has been a silent, collective sense of dread amongst workers across most industries. At first, it was fun, we were asking Chat GPT numerous useless questions like how to rule the world and so forth, making funny tweets and memes about it and even using it to do our assignments and projects. But after a while, it
Image by DALL·E 3When you come across the terms ‘Software Quality Assurance’ or ‘Application Tester’, what immediately comes to mind is probably someone who is responsible for ensuring there are no bugs in an application. While this is true, but have you ever wondered about the ins and outs of their goals? What specific targets do they need to achieve? How they measure it? Let’s explore and delve
開発の歴史弊社のサービスローンチ期である 2016 年前後は「マイクロサービスアーキテクチャ」がトレンド化しており、海外では Netflix が大きな成果をあげたことで有名ですが、国内でもメルカリ等 多くの採用事例が続き話題となっていきました。弊社もマイクロサービスを採用し、当時においては比較的先駆者として様々なプラクティスを導入してきました。 開発チームの拡大に伴い、それぞれ開発のしやすさやデプロイ速度を優先し機能や案件に応じて サブスクリプション機能を管理するサービス、チャット機能を管理するサービス、健康プログラムを提供するサービスといったようにサービスはどんどん増えていきます。 気づけば、大小あれどサービス数は 60 以上に.. 結果としてそれに詳しい人が不在になる多くの「無人化サービス」が発生することになりました。 いわゆるマイクロサービスのメリットとして挙げられる「開発規模を小さ
Over the years, working on various products, I have encountered gamification from many perspectives. It has become an essential part of digital design, as evidenced by the increasing number of client requests. I often come across recurring questions, mistakes, or misconceptions about gamification. These experiences led me to write this article, which aims to deepen the understanding of gamificatio
Many software developers working in a Scrum environment see Scrum as a “company tax” — additional overhead they need to adhere to because their company expects them to. Dailies, reviews, refinements, and retros are seen as ceremonies; something you have to endure that don’t really add much value to your work. If this is how Scrum feels to you, you’re not alone. In this article, I want to explain w
Airbnb has made significant strides in improving web accessibility for Hosts and guests who require larger text sizes. This post takes an in-depth look at: The problems encountered on mobile web when relying solely on browser zoom.The challenges of introducing changes that would impact the workflow of all frontend engineers.The benefits seen since launching these accessibility improvements.by: Ste
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