The prevailing Twitter wisdom is that we should avoid tweeting about ourselves too much, and post information in which others are interested. But about those “others,” those 100-plus — or 1,000-plus — people who watch your tweets crank past, ticker-like, each day: How do you know what’s of interest to them? Twitter may be regarded as an outlet for personal self-expression, but those wanting to bui
Revisiting 10 Golden Rules of Social Media January 5th, 2010 (9:00am) Aliza Sherman 6 CommentsTweet This (70) As 2010 opens its doors, I wanted to take another look at my Golden Rules of Social Media, published back in May of 2009, to see if I could consolidate those rules into five actions we can take to work better in — and through — social media in the coming year. Here is the original list of
Most of you know that Twitter can be used for much more than just announcing what you ate for breakfast. Many of you already know Twitter’s value in business, but you can still take it further and use it to land gigs, market your business, grow your network and gain free publicity — all in 140 characters or less. It’s true that Twitter is what you make of it. Some people publicize their daily acti
33 Ways to Use LinkedIn for Business July 13th, 2009 (11:00am) Meryl Evans 33 Comments Is your LinkedIn account mostly sitting idle? You can do so much more with it than simply look up contacts: find gigs, sell products, expand your networks, grow your business and gain free publicity. Here are 33 ways to use LinkedIn more effectively. Fill out your profile completely to earn trust. Use widgets to
7 Ways to Manage Your Passwords July 27th, 2008 (9:40am) Mike Gunderloy 34 Comments One inescapable facet of web work is the need to come up with, and remember, usernames and passwords. The days when you could get away with picking a single combination and using them everywhere are pretty much gone: that strategy reduces your security to that of the weakest site you use. It’s simply not worth risk
Is Your HTML Good Enough? 7 Browser-Testing Services January 7th, 2008 (11:00am) Mike Gunderloy 14 Comments For many of us, web work means working to produce more of the web. Whether it’s designing web applications, buffing up other people’s style sheets, or simple building web pages, we’re actively engaged in contributing to the world-wide sprawl. But especially when you near the cutting edge of
(Mostly) Free Resources for the Web Worker Who Works on the Web December 7th, 2007 (6:00am) Chris Poteet 52 Comments By Chris Poteet Everyone, especially computer people, love lists of resources. I do as well, and I decided it’s time to share many of the resources that have helped me in my career. All of these resources (except for the print books) are either freeware, open source, or the applicat
15 iGoogle Gadgets for Web Worker Productivity September 5th, 2007 (6:00am) Leo Babauta 54 Comments While there are still many who love Netvibes, iGoogle has its share of fans in the start page world. And with more than 25,000 gadgets available for iGoogle, the array of choices is sometimes overwhelming. Choose wisely, and iGoogle can be a great tool for productive web work of any kind. But put to
The Not-To-Do List: Bad Habits to Stop Now August 13th, 2007 (6:00am) Judi Sohn 56 Comments By Tim Ferriss This week I realized once again how “not-to-do” lists can be just as effective—often more so—than to-do lists for upgrading performance. The reason is simple: what you don’t do determines what you can do. Here are nine stressful and common habits that entrepreneurs and office workers should s
7 Apps for Online Note-Taking May 28th, 2007 (12:00pm) Mike Gunderloy 78 Comments If you’re like most of us, you deal with piles of unstructured information every day: phone numbers, ideas for later consideration, snippets of information from the web, recipes, phone messages…the list is endless. For the web worker, moving this information into an online notebook can be an attractive proposition. R
8 Tips for Better del.icio.us Bookmarking May 10th, 2007 (5:46am) Anne Zelenka 63 Comments Yahoo’s del.icio.us social bookmarking service is refreshingly simple while still offering plenty of power. Bookmark and tag pages, share them with the world, post them to your blog, and watch what other people are bookmarking. No rounded corners or fancy colors, no rich Internet application baloney, just a
Rock Your Google Calendar in 18 Ways March 22nd, 2007 (6:00am) Anne Zelenka 152 Comments Google Calendar doesn’t get much love or attention these days. Some users are wondering if Google’s forgotten about it. Still, it’s a pretty cool web app, especially if you learn the ins and outs and use it collaboratively with colleagues, friends, or family. If you’ve been using it since it was introduced las
20 Different Ways to Manage Your To Dos January 7th, 2007 (12:08pm) Anne Zelenka 118 Comments How many ways are there to manage your task list? Almost as many as there are people with tasks to do. Here are 20 different ways of tracking your to dos, with examples of each. You probably use more than one of these options, depending on what you’re trying to manage and what suits your temperament. Or m
Three Free, Open-Source Wonders for Web Workers Here are three open-source software applications that you may not use, but may even be preferable to proprietary alternatives. They’re all available for the Mac, Windows or Linux. Many web workers work frequently with graphics, perhaps editing photos for blog posts, producing marketing materials, customizing logos, or in other ways. The Photoshops an