Instagram Realtime Demo with Node.js, Redis and Web Sockets Alon Salant · June 14th, 2011 To promote and showcase the API they released in February, the folks at Instagram built and released the source for the demo app that runs http://demo.instagram.com. The app subscribes to the Instagram realtime API to be notified of new photos posted in specific geographic locations. It updates the display of
Pragmatic JavaScript Testing with Jasmine Jared Carroll · July 6th, 2011 As more and more parts of our applications are written in JavaScript, its important to have them covered with automated tests. Fortunately, there are numerous JavaScript testing tools available. As a BDD fan, the RSpec inspired Jasmine is currently my go-to. The Basics For developers coming from RSpec, Jasmine will feel very
Using Open Source Static Libraries in Xcode 4 Jonah Williams · April 4th, 2011 Xcode 4.0.1 allows us to more easily create and use third party libraries in iOS projects. I think the process is still more complicated than it needs to be. Xcode’s documentation suggests that it should automatically detect implicit dependencies and index classes across workspaces but I have not found this to be the ca
Automatic indentation and cleanup of code seems to have improved in Xcode 4 (Editor menu – Structure – Re-Indent) but it still doesn’t offer full code reformatting or the flexibility of a tool like Uncrustify. If you’re used to having external code formatting in Xcode available you might be disappointed to find the User Scripts menu missing in Xcode 4. Thankfully Tony Arnold demonstrated one possi
Speedy Test Iterations for Rails 3 with Spork and Guard Christian Bradley · December 10th, 2010 Overview TDD is fun, right? Rails enthusiasts and agile evangelists alike agree. Waiting for your tests to run, however, makes for a frustrating experience. When the time between test iterations is magnified by bloated tests it can be hard to maintain a purist’s test-driven approach. After looking into
Rspec is a great tool in the behavior driven design process of writing human readable specifications that direct and validate the development of your application. We’ve found the following practices helpful in writing elegant and maintainable specifications. First #describe what you are doing … Begin by using a #describe for each of the methods you plan on defining, passing the method’s name as th
Testing iPhone View Controllers Jonah Williams · March 10th, 2010 I have been writing tests around my iPhone apps’ view controllers in order to follow the same TDD practices we use in other environments. Writing tests first has changed the way I structure my code in a couple of ways which I think offer immediate and emergent benefits for my applications. Most of an iPhone application’s business lo
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