The 360 video of the parade is only available in the YouTube app. Pride is a time to celebrate who you are and who you love Yet around the world, many lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people do not have equal rights and are not free to express themselves. In more than 70 countries, it’s a crime to be gay. Even in countries with legal equality, many LGBTQ people face discrimination or
A Year in Search In 2014 we searched trillions of times. What do these searches say about us?
Share your 2013 resolution with the world. In your native language, please tell us: In box #1, tell the world your 2013 resolution In box #2, tell us your postal code In box #3, tell us your country name In the drop down menu, select which category your resolution is
Want more Zeitgeist? Download the official Zeitgeist app to browse the lists.
Our Technology How a sense of wonder and a need for speed will help build the next generation of racing technology. Feeling driven Humans cause the vast majority of all auto accidents and experience 100% of all traffic annoyance. The answer, obviously, was self-driving cars. The question, obviously, was how on Earth to build them. Thrun overboard Helping to put much of the paved world into a searc
Zeitgeist 2010: How the world searched Japan (日本) 2010 年も残すところあと1 ヶ月となりました。Google 年間検索ランキングで 2010 年を振り返りましょう。1 年の締めくくりに、今年もっとも検索されたワードのランキングに加え、昨年に比べて検索ボリュームが急上昇した話題のワードをカテゴリ別に集めてランキングにしました。どうぞお楽しみください。 全体ランキング youtube yahoo facebook mixi hotmail amazon 楽天 twitter msn gmail 急上昇ワードランキング ipad xperia 楽天銀行 ゲゲゲの女房 akb48 総選挙 justin bieber ニコニコ静画 少女時代 kara ハートキャッチプリキュア 2010年のニュース ワールドカップ はやぶさ スカイツリー エコポイ
Zeitgeist 2010: 世界の検索トレンドをひも解く Zeitgeist では、今年 Google で検索された何十億ものキーワードの集計結果に基づいて 2010 年のトレンドを把握できます。
Zeitgeist 2010: How the world searched Based on the aggregation of billions of search queries people typed into Google this year, Zeitgeist captures the spirit of 2010.
思いどおりの日本語入力キーボード ドラム試打にご予約いただき、ありがとうございます。大変恐縮ですが、4月1日現在では一台しかご用意がないため、順番が回ってくるまでお時間がかかってしまいます。お待ちいただいている間、お手持ちのパソコンでGoogle日本語入力による、思い通りの日本語入力をご体験ください。
豊富なキー 顔文字なども含め、Webで使われている膨大な文字をカバーしています。 最適な配列 豊富な文字列がずらりと並んでいます。 すべての環境で 自宅でもオフィスでも、スペースさえあればあなたの好きな場所に配置することができます。
Was hat die Österreicher mehr beschäftigt: Magna oder Maier?
Another year has come and gone, and as always, we're taking a moment to look back at the happenings of 2009—the people, events and memories that made this year unique. Each year, we examine the billions of queries that people around the world have typed into Google search to discover the zeitgeist—the spirit of the times. As we welcome the new year, we hope you enjoy this glimpse at the past.
Google Zeitgeist の集計方法と見方 2009 年の年間 Zeitgeist を集計するにあたり、Google では、この 1 年に世界中の人々が Google で検索した何十億ものキーワードを集めて分析しました。分析には、Insights for Search や Google トレンド、その他の内部データ ツールなどさまざまなデータが使用されています。また、フィルタを使って迷惑メールや重複した検索を除外することにより、「時代精神」をより正確に反映したリストを作成することができました。なお、分析に使用したキーワードはすべて匿名のもので、個人情報は使用していません。 特に記載がなければ、ここで紹介するキーワードはすべて 2009 年に最も人気の高かったキーワードで、検索回数の多い順に並んでいます。「急上昇」と記載されたキーワードは、2009 年に人気が高かったキーワードを、2
2008 Year-End Google Zeitgeist As the year comes to a close, it's time to look at the big events, memorable moments and emerging trends that captivated us in 2008. As it happens, studying the aggregation of the billions of search queries that people type into the Google search box gives us a glimpse into the zeitgeist — the spirit of the times. We've compiled some of the highlights from Google sea
For thousands of years, the human race has spread out across the Earth, scaling mountains and plying the oceans, planting crops and building highways, raising skyscrapers and atmospheric CO2 levels, and observing, with tremendous and unflagging enthusiasm, the Biblical injunction to be fruitful and multiply across our world's every last nook, cranny and subdivision. An invitation. Earth has issues
The data below shows some of the misspellings detected by our spelling correction system for the query [ britney spears ], and the count of how many different users spelled her name that way. Each of these variations was entered by at least two different unique users within a three month period, and was corrected to [ britney spears ] by our spelling correction system (data for the correctly spell
2007 Year-End Zeitgeist We're bidding adieu to 2007 with a look back at the breaking news, the big events and the must-have gadgets that captivated us this year (give or take a few weeks; we compile this list by early December). To get a glimpse of what's been on our collective consciousness, we mined billions of search queries to discover what sorts of things rose to the top. We encourage you to
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A year’s worth of search speaks to our collective consciousness, and 2006 is no exception. To compile these year-end lists and graphs, we compared frequent queries this year against 2005 to see what sorts of things were top of mind. Click on all the tabs to learn something new — or confirm that you too reflect the spirit of the times. Except where noted, all of these search terms are global for Go
When you think about it, love is just another search problem. And we’ve thought about it. A lot. Google Romance™ is our solution. Google Romance is a place where you can post all types of romantic information and, using our Soulmate Search™, get back search results that could, in theory, include the love of your life. Then we'll send you both on a Contextual DateTM, which we'll pay for while deliv
New! Search smarter and faster with Google's MentalPlexTM Instructions: Remove hat and glasses. Peer into MentalPlex circle. DO NOT MOVE YOUR HEAD. Project mental image of what you want to find. Click or visualize clicking within the MentalPlex circle. See our FAQ and illustrations for correct usage.
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Google is interviewing candidates for engineering positions at our lunar hosting and research center, opening late in the spring of 2007. This unique opportunity is available only to highly-qualified individuals who are willing to relocate for an extended period of time, are in top physical condition and are capable of surviving with limited access to such modern conveniences as soy low-fat lattes
Quench your thirst for knowledge. At Google our mission is to organize the world's information and make it useful and accessible to our users. But any piece of information's usefulness derives, to a depressing degree, from the cognitive ability of the user who's using it. That's why we're pleased to announce Google Gulp (BETA)™ with Auto-Drink™ (LIMITED RELEASE), a line of "smart drinks" designed