Can you untangle the graph? See if you can position the vertices so that no two lines cross. Number of line crossings detected: 0 0 moves taken in 0s. Number of vertices: Generate new, random graph Highlight non-intersecting lines. Don't worry, the game only generates solvable graphs! These are known as planar graphs.
Data: Natural Earth, 1:10m Cultural Vectors: Populated Places (Admin-0 capitals). World territories have been redrawn so that a region is determined by the closest capital city. This is calculated using a spherical Voronoi diagram, which takes into account the curvature of the Earth when computing distances. See also United States of Voronoi.
A Voronoi diagram for a set of seed points divides space into a number of regions. There is one region for each seed, consisting of all points closer to that seed than any other. In this case, the space is the surface of the globe (approximated as a sphere). This implementation uses a randomised incremental algorithm to compute the 3D convex hull of the spherical points. The 3D convex hull of the
2,980 large and medium airports with scheduled services from OurAirports. Each region is closer to a particular airport than any other. This partitioning of the sphere is called a spherical Voronoi diagram. Most Remote Point The point at … is furthest away from any airport in the above dataset; … from the nearest three airports. This is the circumcentre of the Delaunay triangle with the largest ci
Smoothly animated map projections.
D3’s geographic projections allow features to be rotated about three axes. The three angles used are called Euler angles, and in D3 they specify the following sequence of rotations: This sequence is convenient, since if we approximate the globe as a sphere, the first two angles can be used to specify a central meridian λ0 and central meridian φ0 by simple negation: [-λ0, -φ0], and the third angle
Sunburst Trees This is an example of using d3.layout.partition to generate a zoomable sunburst tree derived from hierarchical data. A sunburst tree is a radial space-filling visualisation, analagous to an icicle tree. Colours The original colours appear to have been selected by the designer, as opposed to matching any standard colour name palettes. So I painstakingly copied the colours from the ou
Interrupted Maps In some ways, all 2D maps of Earth are interrupted at some point, even if it’s just along the antimeridian at 180°. Interruptions are often in areas of less interest e.g. oceans for a land-focused map.
Suppose we want to generate uniformly distributed points on a sphere. We might start off by picking spherical coordinates (λ, φ) from two uniform distributions, λ ∈ [-180°, 180°) and φ ∈ [-90°, 90°). However, we can quickly see that this will result in an uneven distribution, with the density increasing as we get closer to the poles. One way to explain this is to look at the how the area of a give
Paste your text below! How the Word Cloud Generator Works The layout algorithm for positioning words without overlap is available on GitHub under an open source license as d3-cloud. Note that this is the only the layout algorithm and any code for converting text into words and rendering the final output requires additional development. As word placement can be quite slow for more than a few hundre
by Jason Davies. For each natural number n, we draw a periodic curve starting from the origin, intersecting the x-axis at n and its multiples. The prime numbers are those that have been intersected by only two curves: the prime number itself and one. Below the currently highlighted number, we also show its sum of divisors σ(n), and its aliquot sum s(n) = σ(n) - n, which indicate whether the number
Jason Davies is a freelance software developer based in London, UK.
A visualisation technique for multidimensional categorical data. Titanic Survivors Explanation For each dimension (Survived, Sex, Age and Class), a horizontal bar is shown for each of its possible categories. The width of the bar denotes the absolute number of matches for that category. Starting with the first dimension (Survived), each of its categories is connected to a number of categories in t
Everyone is always raving about bloom filters. But what exactly are they, and what are they useful for? Operations The basic bloom filter supports two operations: test and add. Test is used to check whether a given element is in the set or not. If it returns: false then the element is definitely not in the set. true then the element is probably in the set. The false positive rate is a function of
Here is a graph showing the orbits of all numbers under the Collatz map with an orbit length of 19 or less, excluding the 1-2-4 loop. Orbit length: 1 Background The Collatz conjecture is as follows. Take any natural number, n. If n is even, divide it by 2. Otherwise, n is odd. Multiply it by 3 and add 1 Repeat indefinitely. The conjecture is that you will always reach 1, no matter what number you
These animations illustrate how a parametric Bézier curve is constructed. The parameter t ranges from 0 to 1. In the simplest case, a first-order Bézier curve, the curve is a straight line between the control points. For a second-order (quadratic) Bézier curve, first we find two intermediate points that are t along the lines between the three control points. Then we perform the same interpolation
Ely Service now runs on CouchDB. Things just got a little simpler: no more Django plus PostgreSQL plus Nginx. Casual Lofa: the World's fastest furniture Ely Service is, as J. Chris Anderson put it, “just a very ordinary-looking garage Web site”. It's a simple Web site, which I originally developed using Django. It consists of six pages, one of which has a contact form for sending emails. So the re
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