In my previous blog post I described how you can run MRI Ruby on AWS Lambda. In this article I'll guide you through adding gems to the project: first faker, and then the mysql2 gem with activerecord, and finally we will have the Ruby code talk to an RDS instance, all this through an AWS Lambda. I recorded all my changes in this project, feel free to jump in where you want, you'll find commit point
It was May 2015 at the AWS Summit in Chicago, where I first heard about AWS Lambda. The company I worked for used Linode at that time, I had no chance of using it, but I still found the serverless concept fascinating. The bulk of my work at my current gig is about transforming data: we pull it from an API, we need to transform and load it into our own data store. Sure the worker boxes can do the j
JavaScript is a neat and powerful language. Sure it has its flaws, but serious software can be developed with it. The way I prefer developing JavaScript applications is by test driving the code with some kind of testing tool. And I am not thinking about hitting the browser's refresh button. No, I mean executing the specs right in the terminal. I recently started playing with Visionmedia's mocha te
I opened up my twitter client this afternoon and I saw "54 Messages, 28 Mentions". I tell you honestly, the first thought I had was: my twitter account had been hacked. Then I started to comb through the messages and I found out what happened. It all started with a tweet from Joe Fiorini. We both worked together on a large Rails application. The application was a little light on tests, so I asked