Rails Database Best Practices Christian Nelson · November 16th, 2016 Working on an oldish Rails project, I came across some smelly ActiveRecord code that begged for some refactoring love. I also spent some time speeding up pages with slow/many database calls. Between those two experiences, I felt the inspiration to write-up some “Back to Basics” Rails Database Best Practices. Rule #1: Let your Dat
Bring Clarity To Your Monolith with Bounded Contexts Andrew Hao · November 1st, 2016 Check out the video of this talk from ElixirConf 2017 below Monolithic applications are great when you start building your company, but as time progresses, they become difficult to maintain. These codebases, as they grow, easily become Big Balls of Mud. When building large applications in frameworks like Rails, th
Rails, meet Phoenix: add Phoenix to your Rails ecosystem with session sharing Andrew Hao · July 6th, 2016 You’ve resolved to build your company’s Next Big Thing in Phoenix and Elixir. That’s great! You’re facing a problem though – all user authentication and access concerns are performed on your Rails system, and the work to reimplement this in Phoenix is significant. Fortunately for you, there is
Introducing Wallaby – Concurrent Feature Tests for Elixir and Phoenix Chris Keathley · April 16th, 2016 Feature tests are one of the best ways to ensure reliability and consistency for web applications. But, as we’ve discussed previously feature tests can become a performance bottleneck for a large test suite. With the fast approaching release of Ecto 2.0, Elixirists will be able to run feature te
Docker, Rails, & Docker Compose together in your development workflow Andrew Hao · March 17th, 2015 We’ve been trialing the usage of Docker and Docker Compose (previously known as fig) on a Rails project here at Carbon Five. In the past, my personal experience with Docker had been that the promise of portable containerized apps was within reach, but the tooling and development workflow were still
Extracting Service Objects From Workers Marc Love · April 22nd, 2014 Background jobs processed by asynchronous workers, are a staple of most production Rails applications I work with. Inevitably there is some time consuming process that you want to handle in the background, either because you want to keep user requests snappy or because you need to process things outside of the context of a user’s
Bacon.js + Node.js + MongoDB: Functional Reactive Programming on the Server Erin Swenson-Healey · September 23rd, 2014 In this article, we’ll demonstrate usage of the Bacon.js library, implementing a Node.js chat application in functional reactive programming style. We’ll use the Socket.IO chat application example as our baseline, adding on some additional asynchronous workflows, interaction with
An Incremental Migration from Rails Monolithic to Microservices Erin Swenson-Healey · May 29th, 2014 Your Rails application has become a monolith. Your test suite takes 30 minutes to run, your models grow to several hundred (or thousand!) lines, and feature development slows to a crawl. New members of your team must read through massive amounts of code before they can feel confident making changes
When running a node application in production, you need to keep stability, performance, security, and maintainability in mind. Outlined here is what I think are the best practices for putting node.js into production. By the end of this guide, this setup will include 3 servers: a load balancer (lb) and 2 app servers (app1 and app2). The load balancer will health check and balance traffic between th
Roll Your Own Asset Pipeline with Gulp Jeff Dickey · May 5th, 2014 I’ve found myself using Gulp for just about everything involving HTML/CSS/JS these days. It’s super fast, quick to write scripts for and flexible. I’m at a point now where I have a ton of projects I can just cd into, run gulp and be up and running. It’s the best solution I’ve found for delivering static assets whether for local dev
Keeping it Simple: Migrating to Pundit from CanCan Christian Nelson · October 21st, 2013 We’ve been using CanCan for Rails Authorization on most projects for a few years now. When upgrading an internal application to Rails 4, I discovered that CanCan does not play well with strong parameters. There are some patches to make things work, but they didn’t feel right. Also, CanCan hasn’t been given muc
Applying Functional Programming Principles To Your Rails Codebase Erin Swenson-Healey · January 26th, 2014 All the programmers around me seem to have very strong opinions about functional programming. The Internet certainly loves to talk about it. Some of the concepts are interesting – but many of them (at first) don’t seem to apply for those of us writing database-fronting web applications. What
Using Redis sorted sets to build a scalable real-time web waiting list. Alex Cruikshank · January 17th, 2014 As websocket communication makes large real-time web experiences more common, we are increasingly faced with the problem of how to build apps that work just as well with many concurrent users as they do with a few. The problem touches both the technical limits of the server infrastructure a
Recently, an Arduino project forced me to brush up on my C. Like many programmers of my generation, C was my first programming language; but it has been a while since I wrote anything in it. After a quick K&R refresher, I immediately began looking for a unit testing framework. I found several, but I had trouble setting them up. Finally, I came across Ceedling. Ceedling is a Ruby gem that takes car
The JavaScript Event Loop: Explained Erin Swenson-Healey · October 27th, 2013 What’s this post about? With JavaScript approaching near-ubiquity as the scripting language of the web browser, it benefits you to have a basic understanding of its event-driven interaction model and how it differs from the request-response model typically found in languages like Ruby, Python, and Java. In this post, I’l
Sinatra Best Practices: Part Two Travis Herrick · June 28th, 2013 In Sinatra Best Practices: Part One we saw how to break up your Sinatra application into smaller bite-size pieces. Today, we’re going to explore testing, which will also compel us to address environment configuration. We typically use Bundler to manage dependencies on our Ruby projects, which means we’ll use a Gemfile to handle that
Sinatra Best Practices: Part One Erin Swenson-Healey · June 24th, 2013 While Sinatra’s one-file approach may work well for your one-off, smaller application – it can quickly become a mess as you add on multiple routes, route-handlers, helpers, and configuration. So what’s a programmer to do? In reading Sinatra’s documentation I’ve found a few morsels that have enabled us to split our otherwise-mon
On a recent project, I needed to post parallel JSON requests to an API endpoint, and asynchronously handle the responses. I like Rack‘s middleware-based approach to handling HTTP requests on the server side, so I wanted to try Faraday, which similarly handles HTTP responses on the client side using a middleware stack. Typhoeus is an HTTP client which leverages libcurl to make high performance para
Enumerator: Ruby’s Versatile Iterator Jared Carroll · October 2nd, 2012 The classic iterator pattern describes a way of accessing the elements of an aggregate object without exposing its implementation. This pattern comes in two flavors: external and internal. An external iterator is controlled by the client, while an internal iterator is controlled by the aggregate object. In Ruby, internal itera
Integrating with an external API is almost a guarantee in any modern web app. To effectively test such integration, you need to stub it out. A good stub should be easy to create and consistently up-to-date with actual, current API responses. In this post, we’ll outline a testing strategy using stubs for an external API. Integrating with an External API Our example app is a stock Rails 3.2 app. Let
Our applications need input and the default iOS keyboards are often not optimally suited to providing the sort of data we want. When we find that we really wish the keyboard had some extra controls or want to help our users enter a specific set of symbols it is time to customize our apps’ keyboards. What controls the keyboard anyway? Our first exposure to different keyboard types probably comes fr
Does My Rails App Need a Service Layer? Jared Carroll · January 10th, 2012 Sometimes during domain modeling you come across something that isn’t a thing. These operations that don’t quite belong to an object are called services. Services often live in a separate, service layer. The service layer lies between controllers and models, defining an application’s interface, its API. Designing with servi
I spoke recently at Rubyconf 2011 on some advanced topics in threading. What surprised me was how little experience people had with threads so I decided to write this post to give people a little more background on threads. Matz actually recommends not using threads (see below for why) and I think this is a big reason why Rubyists tend not to understand threading. Simple Threading Every time you e
Modern Cucumber and Rails: No More Training Wheels Jared Carroll · November 7th, 2011 Last month, cucumber-rails 1.1 was released. This release removed web_steps.rb, a collection of step definitions for interacting with a web app. For months, web_steps.rb contained a warning of its negative effects on feature maintenance. Like most developers, I ignored the warning. During a recent upgrade of an e
Vim Text Objects: The Definitive Guide Jared Carroll · October 17th, 2011 To edit efficiently in Vim, you have to edit beyond individual characters. Instead, edit by word, sentence, and paragraph. In Vim, these higher-level contexts are called text objects. Vim provides text objects for both plaintext and common programming language constructs. You can also define new text objects using Vim script
Building Xcode 4 projects from the command line Jonah Williams · April 6th, 2011 The Xcode 4 developer tools introduced some changes to the xcodebuild command line tool. Instead of specifying a project and target developers can now provide a workspace and scheme to build. > /Developer_Xcode4/usr/bin/xcodebuild -help Usage: xcodebuild [-project ] [[-target ]…|-alltargets] [-configuration ] [-arch ]
Running Xcode 4 unit tests from the command line Jonah Williams · April 6th, 2011 Command line builds for Xcode 4 projects are a good first step but I really want to get my project’s tests running on a continuous integration server again. Since “test” isn’t a valid build action to pass to xcodebuild I’ve been looking for a configuration which would allow me to run tests in a headless environment.
Getting “Test”-y in iOS Apps: Test-Driven Development and Automated Deployment Rudy Jahchan · July 19th, 2011 Recently, Jonah and I have been exploring test-driven development and automated deployment on the iOS platform. As we were both attending iOSDevCamp 2011, we decided to give a lightning talk summarizing our discoveries and to generate excitement within others in the community to start thei
Deploying node.js on Amazon EC2 Ben Lindsey · September 1st, 2011 After nearly a month of beating my head against the wall that is hosted node.js stacks — with their fake beta invites and non-existent support — I decided it was time to take matters into my own hands. Amazon Web Service (AWS) offers 12 months of a micro instance for free (as in beer) with 10 GB of disk and 613 MB of memory. This is
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