本書籍は、振る舞い駆動開発(Behavior Driven Development, BDD)や受け入れテスト駆動開発(Acceptance Test-Driven Development, ATDD)の定式化フェーズを最大限に活用する方法を提供します。 発見フェーズで生成される具体例をビジネスチームが読みやすいGherkinシナリオ(BDDでよく知られている仕様構文)へと効果的に定式化する方法を読者に提供します。生きたドキュメントを作成するチームを追って、製品の機能追加を行うにあたり、(Given/When/Then を使用して) より良いシナリオを書くための実践と原則を示した実用的なガイドとなっています。 本書籍は、SpecFlowの作成者と書籍『The Cucumber for Java Book』の著者によって書かれました。 本書籍は、プロダクトオーナー、ビジネスアナリスト、開発者
Learn how to build a GraphQL API on top of a Rails application with this step-by-step guide. GraphQL is seen as a successor to REST APIs. GraphQL allows you to define a strictly typed API and to query for only the information you want, with none of the stuff you don't. This book will also show you how to make those types defined in your backend API flow through to your frontend code, defining clea
Build Your Own Database in Go From ScratchFrom B+tree to SQL in 3000 lines Learn databases from the bottom up by coding your own, in small steps, and with simple Go code (language agnostic). Atomicity & durability. A DB is more than files!Persist data with fsync.Crash recovery.KV store based on B-tree.Disk-based data structures.Space management with a free list.Relational DB on top of KV.Learn how
クラウド・コンピューティングは、完全に管理されたプラットフォーム、即時のスケー リング、自動最適化、さらには自動ヒーリング操作、秒単位の課金、事前学習済み の機械学習モデル、グローバルに分散したトランザクションデータストアなどを提 供できる素晴らしいリソースだ。また、クラウドは、組織がスピードの経済で競争す る事を可能にする重要な技術でもある。それゆえに、多くのエンタープライズがそ のような機能を利用したいと考えるのも不思議ではない。 しかし、エンタープライズ全体をクラウドに移行させることは、ボタンを押すだけで 済むような簡単なものではない。レガシー・アプリケーションを単にリフト& シフト するだけでは、期待通りの効果は得られないだろうし、クラウドで最適に動作する ようにアプリケーションのアーキテクチャを再設計するのは、膨大なコストがかか る可能性がある。さらに、クラウド技術から十分な恩恵
PortSwigger researcher Gareth Heyes is probably best known for his work escaping JavaScript sandboxes, and creating super-elegant XSS vectors. In his spare time he likes to create interative 3D rooms and games in pure CSS and can be often found posting about it and experimenting on his web site garethheyes.co.uk. Gareth is a father to two wonderful girls and husband to an amazing wife, as well as
Stephan leads the product infrastructure engineering team at Gusto. Gusto has quite a bit of Ruby on Rails in the software behind their offerings and provides the perfect ground for the analysis of complex applications due to "Payroll" being both a deep and very wide domain. And Gusto is a lot more than payroll. Stephan is the author of Component-based Rails Applications in which he lays out the p
本書籍は、振る舞い駆動開発(Behavior Driven Development, BDD)や受け入れテスト駆動開発(Acceptance Test-Driven Development, ATDD)の発見フェーズを最大限に活用する方法を提供します。 書籍内では、優れたコラボレーション手法を具体例で示しており、実用的なガイドとなっています。 本書籍は、SpecFlowの作成者と書籍『The Cucumber for Java Book』の著者によって書かれました。 本書籍は、プロダクトオーナー、ビジネスアナリスト、開発者、テスターなど、ソフトウェアの仕様とデリバリーに携わるすべての人を対象としています。 本書籍では、なぜBDDが誕生した理由の説明から始まり、ビジネスチームとデリバリーチームのメンバー間のコラボレーションを最大限に活用するためのテクニックを説明します。 これは、協調して作成
A Practical Guide to Testing in DevOps Japanese EditionDevOpsにおけるテストについて事例を交えて紹介した一冊
This book explains and illustrates how to implement Domain-Driven Design, Command Query Responsibility Segregation and Event Sourcing. The goal is to build software that is behavior-rich, event-based, problem-centric, reactive, scalable and well-designed. Domain-Driven Design is a way to build software that focuses on the problem to solve and its associated knowledge areas. Command Query Responsib
Important: this is the First Edition of the book. * Consider buying Functional Design and Architecture (Second Edition) by Manning instead. * See also my new book Pragmatic Type-Level Design. FDaA is a fundamental book about Software Design in Haskell and other functional languages. The main idea of this book is to provide a comprehensive source of knowledge, and a complete methodology for buildin
『Agile Testing Condensed』は、アジャイルにおいてどのような考えでテストを行うべきなのか簡潔に書かれています。JanetとLisaは、読者が理解できるように、20年間のアジャイルテストの経験から知識を抽出して表現しました。 - テストとQAの専門家がアジャイルチームでどのように貢献するか - アジャイルサイクルにテスト活動をフィットさせるにはどうすればよいか - いつ、誰の責任で、様々なテスト活動を完了させるのか - テストエンジニアがアジャイル開発チームの他のメンバーと関わるにはどうすればよいか - デリバリーチームの全員が継続的なテストに参加するにはどうすればよいか - 視覚的なモデルを使ってテスト活動を計画するにはどうすればよいか - 短いイテレーションや継続的なデリバリーに対してテストが「追いつく」にはどうすればよいか - テストの有効性を評価し、継続的に改善
イントロダクション ghqとはなにか 動作環境 ghqの導入 基本的な使い方 リポジトリを取得するghq get ローカルリポジトリを一覧するghq list すべてをghq getする リポジトリ取得ディレクトリの設定(ghq root) リポジトリを取得する(ghq get) SSHを用いたい場合や、プライベートリポジトリを取得したい場合 プロジェクトごとに取得ディレクトリを切り替える(ghq.<base>.root) ghq get {{Project}}でのowner検出 VCSを明示する(--vcs) 取得と同時にソースを確認する(--look, -l) targetの相対パス指定 ghq getのその他のオプション ローカルリポジトリの一覧・パス取得をおこなう(ghq list) ghq listに検索用引数を渡す クエリを厳密にマッチさせる(--exact) VCSで絞り込み
Practical FP in Scala: A hands-on approach, is a book for intermediate to advanced Scala developers. Aimed at those who understand functional effects, referential transparency and the benefits of functional programming to some extent but who are missing some pieces to put all these concepts together to build a large application in a time-constrained manner. Throughout the chapters we will design,
Why Version? Have you ever done a big bang release? You schedule a maintenance window, carefully take down the system, release the new software, and… pray. I will never do a big bang release again. What scares me is not what happens if the release does not work, but what happens if it does not work and yet still appears to. Most developers, even those working through big bang releases, have dealt
Team change will happen whether we like it or not. People will come and go from our teams. Our companies might double in size or even get acquired. We can catalyze team change to reduce the risk of attrition, learning and career stagnation and the development of knowledge silos. Dynamic Reteaming describes practices for effective reteaming as well as antipatterns. In this book you'll learn how to
Interpretable Machine Learning is a comprehensive guide to making machine learning models interpretable "Pretty convinced this is the best book out there on the subject" – Brian Lewis, Data Scientist at Cornerstone Research Summary This book covers a range of interpretability methods, from inherently interpretable models to methods that can make any model interpretable, such as SHAP, LIME, and per
Sandy might best be described somewhere between independent researcher and voluntarily-unemployed bum. At the ripe old age of 27 he decided to quit his highly-lucrative engineering job and decide to focus more on living than on grinding for the man. It's what you might call a work in progress. He regularly writes about Haskell and Agda at reasonablypolymorphic.com. Preface Acknowledgments Introduc
As organisations shift to a culture of intense collaboration and rapid delivery, the expectations on testers are changing. What does testing look like in an environment with automated build and deployment pipelines? How does appetite for risk change once a product can be tested in production? Who should testers look to connect with across the organisation and how can they work together effectively
“Love is wise; hatred is foolish. In this world, which is getting more and more closely interconnected, we have to learn to tolerate each other, we have to learn to put up with the fact that some people say things that we don’t like. We can only live together in that way. But if we are to live together, and not die together, we must learn a kind of charity and a kind of tolerance, which is absolut
This book is for the typical Scala developer, probably with a Java background, who is both sceptical and curious about the Functional Programming (FP) paradigm. This book justifies every concept with practical examples, including writing a web application. Frequently Asked Questions Q: How does it compare to the red book? A: This book is blue. Q: Where can I buy a physical copy? A: Hardback books
Angular CLIの最新バージョン (6.0〜)への追従が完了する見込みが薄いため、当面の間販売を停止させていただきます。 Angularの公式開発ツールであるAngular CLIについて、さまざまなコマンドや設定をユースケースから解説します。 第1章ではAngular CLIの基本について紹介し、簡単なチュートリアルをおこないます。 その後は実践的なガイドと、応用するためのテクニックを紹介します。 本書はAngular CLIのアップデートに応じて更新され、取り上げるユースケースも順次増やしていく予定です。
Warning to early readers This is a very early work in progress version of Full Stack Lisp. It is incomplete and possibly contains incorrect information. I’m releasing it as a status update and to get early feedback. Constructive criticism is extremely welcome. I hang out in irc on freenode in #lisp and #lispweb and on twitter @pavelpenev. The book also has a dedicated twitter account @fullstacklis
A Boy Who Wanted To Create Worlds Once there was a boy who fell in love with this magical device that could bring things to life inside a glaring screen. He spent endless hours exploring imaginary worlds, fighting strange creatures, shooting pixelated spaceships, racing boxy cars. The boy kept pondering. “How is this made? I want to create my own worlds…”. Then he discovered programming. “I can fi
Preface Should I Read This Book? How to Read This Book Code Repository Acknowledgements Part 1. Introduction to Redux Chapter 1. Core Concepts of Flux and Redux What Is Flux? Redux and Flux Redux Terminology General Concepts Redux and React/Angular Basic Redux Implementation Summary Chapter 2. Example Redux Application Starter Project Example Application A Closer Look at Reducers Handling Typos an
1. Introduction The Python Programming language has been around for a long time. Guido van Rossum started development work on the first version in 1989, and it has since grown to become one of the more popular languages used in a wide range of applications from graphical interfaces to finance and data analysis. This write-up looks at the nuts and bolts of the Python interpreter. It targets CPython
Acknowledgements Mike First and foremost I would like to express my thanks to Mike Bostock, the driving force behind d3.js. His efforts are tireless and his altruism in making his work open and available to the masses is inspiring. The decision for him to leave what must have been an incredible job with the New York Times to return to improving visualisation software (d3.js in particular) has mark
New version avaialble! Go here for the v7 edition!D3.js can help you make data beautiful.D3 Tips and Tricks is a book written to help those who may be unfamiliar with JavaScript or web page creation get started turning information into visualization. Data is the new medium of choice for telling a story or presenting compelling information on the Internet and d3.js is an extraordinary framework for
Status Goals Feedback Status Why Version? Why can’t I update an event? Immutability Consumers Audit Worms Crime Basic Type Based Versioning Getting Started Define a Version of an Event Double Write But… Weak Schema Mapping Wrapper Overall Considerations Negotiation Atom Move Negotiation Forward How to Translate Use with Structural Data General Versioning Concerns Versioning of Behaviour Changing S
I am helping teams and companies to develop brilliant solutions to complex problems. Sometimes this involves writing software. Sometimes this involves working with people. I like both ways, especially when it leads me into unexplored territories. I've been coding since 1982, experimenting since ...forever? This led me into Agile, Domain-Driven Design, Lean, Complexity, Management 3.0 and everythin
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