Incredibly, the early bird tickets on my HTML5/JS training course sold out in just 20 minutes today! And to celebrate I thought you might like an early Christmas present – JavaScript HTML5 canvas snow in 3D! 🙂 If you want to use this effect on your site, please feel free but PLEASE DO NOT HOTLINK TO MY FILES! Copy the files on github to your own server! I adapted one of the Mr.doob‘s three.js Par
I’ve had my eye on Node.js for a while now so I jumped at the chance to attend Remy’s excellent workshop a couple of weeks ago. Most people associate node with websockets but actually node is a hugely versatile platform capable of running powerful servers and web-apps. That said, anyone who knows me will know that I’m fascinated by real-time multi-player games (remember my Lunar Lander trails?) so
The Edge magazine recently asked for my thoughts on hardware accelerated graphics within the browser, and I gave them a fairly comprehensive run down. They published excerpts but here is my response in full with some updates, hopefully you’ll find it useful. HelloRacer – a gorgeous WebGL demo from Carlos Ulloa who attended my CreativeJS course In-browser GPU enabled 3D rendering technologies In te
HTML5 canvas! Hailed as a competitor to Flash, so much so that Apple is using it as an excuse not to allow the plug-in on iOS. But what everyone overlooks is that canvas is horribly slow and pretty much unusable on these devices. Is it even possible to create a Flash-like in-browser gaming experience on iPads and iPhones? To answer that question I ran a JavaScript hack day for the finest programmi
Now that browser-based games running on touch devices are becoming a reality, it’s time to figure out how to implement easy to use and tactile game controls in these new keyboard-less environments. I’ve long been a fan of how the twin-stick touch controls work in Geometry Wars Touch, so I wasn’t surprised to find that Brighton game UX expert Graham McAllistair also considered this “dynamic display
Note : this post is from 2011, the techniques described here are probably no longer necessary If we’re serious about making HTML games then we need to know the most efficient ways to render multiple sprites. Many are saying that Canvas isn’t fast enough for gaming and we should use DOM objects instead. But before we give up Canvas altogether, let’s see if we can squeeze out just a little more perf
I’ve had a very exciting few days as a result of my recent HTML/Flash post. Clearly there is still much to discuss on this subject! I had over 140 comments in the end, although at least half were probably from me. 🙂 I was so delighted that there were many eloquently expressed viewpoints and a measured and reasonable discussion. I’ve attempted to summarise the conversation as best I can, but it wa
I thought everyone was over the whole Flash vs HTML5 debate, but I was wrong. Instead of accepting new developments and making changes accordingly, a state of inactivity and comfortable denial has set in. Just one tweet is enough to release the torrent of emotions that have been bubbling under the surface for months. Who knew!? [UPDATE] This post triggered an incredible discussion – in fact it’s t
[UPDATE] Creative JavaScript and HTML5 training course now available. I just spent the weekend recovering after an absolutely fantastic time at the JavaScript conference, ffconf. The venue is the 100 year old cinema in Brighton, the Duke of Yorks. Just another reason why it’s great to live in Brighton (yes I know I sound like a scratched record!). It’s brilliant mixing with different communities,
At first, it seemed like no matter what I did I’d just get the Enter IP Address or Hostname requester in my AIR app. So, to get rid of this dreaded requester once and for all follow my handy debugging AIR Android checklist! If you’re new to Air for Android I’d recommend checking Lee Brimelow’s getting started tutorials here and here, and a couple of extra tips here on my AIR Android getting starte
I’m Seb Lee-Delisle, a BAFTA winning artist, presenter and coder; I use computers to make large-scale interactive laser light installations and I’m the person behind Liberation laser show software. I also have a YouTube channel, perform at comedy events, and speak at conferences. This is my personal website, if you’re interested in my larger projects, visit my company website. If you’d like to hir
UPDATE – HTML 5 Canvas version now online During my session at the Flash Gaming Summit, I showed a very simple 3D particle renderer to attempt to demystify the process of converting 3D into 2D. [kml_flashembed publishmethod=”dynamic” fversion=”10.0.0″ useexpressinstall=”true” movie=”/wp-content/uploads/manual/2010/Particles3D.swf” width=”500″ height=”350″ targetclass=”flashmovie”] [/kml_flashembed
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