Introduction Principal Components Analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality reduction algorithm that can be used to significantly speed up your unsupervised feature learning algorithm. More importantly, understanding PCA will enable us to later implement whitening, which is an important pre-processing step for many algorithms. Suppose you are training your algorithm on images. Then the input will be some
Deep Learning is a rapidly growing area of machine learning. To learn more, check out our deep learning tutorial. (There is also an older version, which has also been translated into Chinese; we recommend however that you use the new version.) Machine learning has seen numerous successes, but applying learning algorithms today often means spending a long time hand-engineering the input feature rep
Problem Formulation As a refresher, we will start by learning how to implement linear regression. The main idea is to get familiar with objective functions, computing their gradients and optimizing the objectives over a set of parameters. These basic tools will form the basis for more sophisticated algorithms later. Readers that want additional details may refer to the Lecture Note on Supervised L
Overview In the previous exercises, you worked through problems which involved images that were relatively low in resolution, such as small image patches and small images of hand-written digits. In this section, we will develop methods which will allow us to scale up these methods to more realistic datasets that have larger images. Fully Connected Networks In the sparse autoencoder, one design cho
Introduction Softmax regression (or multinomial logistic regression) is a generalization of logistic regression to the case where we want to handle multiple classes. In logistic regression we assumed that the labels were binary: y^{(i)} \in \{0,1\}. We used such a classifier to distinguish between two kinds of hand-written digits. Softmax regression allows us to handle y^{(i)} \in \{1,\ldots,K\} w
This page was last modified on 26 May 2011, at 11:02. Privacy policy About Ufldl Disclaimers
This page was last modified on 7 April 2013, at 13:22. Privacy policy About Ufldl Disclaimers
Description: This tutorial will teach you the main ideas of Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning. By working through it, you will also get to implement several feature learning/deep learning algorithms, get to see them work for yourself, and learn how to apply/adapt these ideas to new problems. This tutorial assumes a basic knowledge of machine learning (specifically, familiarity with t
Overview A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is comprised of one or more convolutional layers (often with a subsampling step) and then followed by one or more fully connected layers as in a standard multilayer neural network. The architecture of a CNN is designed to take advantage of the 2D structure of an input image (or other 2D input such as a speech signal). This is achieved with local conne
SVHN is a real-world image dataset for developing machine learning and object recognition algorithms with minimal requirement on data preprocessing and formatting. It can be seen as similar in flavor to MNIST (e.g., the images are of small cropped digits), but incorporates an order of magnitude more labeled data (over 600,000 digit images) and comes from a significantly harder, unsolved, real worl
This page was last modified on 7 April 2013, at 18:22. Privacy policy About Ufldl Disclaimers
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