Published:November 16th, 2012 Comments:3 Comments Category:Firebug, Firebug Tip, Planet Mozilla Styled logging has been available in Firebug for long time and since version 1.11 beta 2 improves this little nifty feature, let's take a sneak peak at what it does and how it could be useful. Styled logging allows the user of console.log() API to use custom CSS styles. How to specify custom CSS First o
Published:June 10th, 2014 Comments:No Comment Category:Design Pattern, Documentation, Firebug, Planet Mozilla Firebug 2 (released today!) uses number of internal architectural concepts that help to implement new features as well as effectively maintain the code base. Using transparent architecture and well known design patterns has always been one of the key strategies of the (relatively small) Fi
Published:August 20th, 2012 Comments:12 Comments Category:Firebug, Firebug Tip, Planet Mozilla Firebug's Net panel offers an option called Show BFCache Responses that allows tracking also responses coming from BFCache. But what the heck is this cache for? Read this post to understand how this cache is different from the standard browser cache and why Firebug supports it. See all Firebug tips What
Published:August 15th, 2012 Comments:11 Comments Category:Firebug, Firebug Tip, Planet Mozilla Updated: how to use this feature from the command line Have you ever placed console.log into a JS function just to figure out whether the function has been executed? Did you also happen to make a syntax error when doing that code modification? 😉 Then you could be interested in Firebug feature that allow
Published:July 29th, 2012 Comments:5 Comments Category:Firebug, Firebug Tip, Planet Mozilla Firebug is mainly a debugger and being able to stop Javascript execution on a breakpoint is obviously one of its essential features. Also, ability to break on a breakpoint only if certain condition is true is useful feature and so, check out this post if you are interested how to properly create a condition
Published:May 14th, 2012 Comments:20 Comments Category:Documentation, HTTP Monitor, Planet Mozilla I have been recently working on an extension (code name HTTP Monitor) that can be used to intercept HTTP traffic of a browser tab. The extension is based on Firebug's Net panel and is on its way to be embedded in Firefox by default. This post explains how to use HTTP monitor to intercept HTTP traffic
HAR Viewer (HTTP Archive Viewer) is an online tool visualizing HTTP Archive (HAR) files produced by HTTP tracking tools. These files contain a log of HTTP client/server conversation and can be used for an additional analysis of e.g. page load performance. Check out online Report issues or suggestions here User interface of this tool is composed from the following tabs (*): Home - Paste content of
Published:May 1st, 2012 Comments:11 Comments Category:HTTP Monitor, Planet Mozilla We have decided to extend cooperation between Firebug and Firefox dev-tools teams (I am a member of both) and so, discussed this topic about four weeks ago at our meeting in London. We agreed that we want to have an effective and synchronized strategy when working on in-browser developer tools. One pillar of the pla
Published:March 10th, 2012 Comments:50 Comments Category:Documentation, Firebug, Planet Mozilla Entire Firebug source base has been moved on github.com last week and we are also adopting a new GIT development workflow. So far, everyone has been truly excited by this change and I believe that it's also much better way how to collaborate with other coders. Firebug is an open source project after all
Published:March 3rd, 2012 Comments:3 Comments Category:Firebug, Firebug Tip This powerful Firebug's feature, which you can download from the internet, could be also called Edit value and continue (to use similar terminology from Visual Studio). Even if Firefox (and so Firebug) doesn't allow to edit the code itself at run-time, being able to change value of a variable while sitting at a breakpoint
Published:October 21st, 2009 Comments:4 Comments Category:Firebug, HAR, NetExport, Planet Mozilla We have been working with Simon Perkins and Steve Souders on an open format for exporting HTTP tracing information. It's called HTTP Archive (HAR) and we have just finished spec v1.1. The format is already supported by Firebug (with NetExport extension installed), HTTPWatch 6.2 and also DebugBar 5.3.
This document is intended to describe a HTTP Archive 1.2 (frozen) format that can be used by HTTP monitoring tools to export collected data. HTTP Archive v1.2 One of the goals of the HTTP Archive format is to be flexible enough so, it can be adopted across projects and various tools. This should allow effective processing and analyzing data coming from various sources. Notice that resulting HAR fi
Published:March 24th, 2011 Comments:3 Comments Category:Documentation, Firebug, Planet Mozilla A lot is happening these days and I bet you already know about Firefox 4 + Firebug 1.7 releases. You might also seen some of the new features introduced in Firebug 1.7 and so, I won't repeat that. I'd like to focus on changes related to page load process and script execution in Firefox 4. Apart from many
Published:February 17th, 2011 Comments:10 Comments Category:Firebug Tip, Planet Mozilla Firebug command line allows executing JavaScript expressions within context of the current page. Firebug also provides a set of built in APIs and one of them is cd(). cd(window) By default, command line expressions are relative to the top-level window of the page, cd() allows you to use the window of a frame in
Published:March 15th, 2010 Comments:20 Comments Category:Firebug, Planet Mozilla I have recently got several questions about how to understand the timing numbers provided by the Net panel in Firebug and so, I decided to write a quick summary explaining what everything is the Net panel actually measuring (in terms of time). Just to note that there is already a post, I wrote a while ago, summarizing
Published:March 16th, 2010 Comments:1 Comment Category:Firebug, Planet Mozilla Have you ever had a feeling that there is a missing option you would like to see in Firebug? Well, there is a chance it's there and you just didn't know about it. In order to keep the UI simple (and we all know options are evil), some options/preferences doesn't have its own UI representation and are accessible only thr
Published:February 22nd, 2010 Comments:2 Comments Category:Firebug, Planet Mozilla One new experimental feature that found its way into Firebug 1.6a5 is displaying of MozAfterPaint events in the Net panel. This event is fired whenever page content is repainted. Note that there is also a Firebug extension called Firebug Paint Events made by Kyle Scholz, which introduces a new Paints panel and nicel
Published:October 29th, 2009 Comments:28 Comments Category:Eventbug, Firebug, Planet Mozilla We have made a great further progress with John J. Barton on a new extension for Firebug called Eventbug. Big thanks to Olli Pettay (smaug) for fixing #448602 + #506961 and providing new Firefox APIs that allow enumerating event listeners on a web page! Notice that these APIs are available in Firefox 3.7a1
Published:September 8th, 2009 Comments:9 Comments Category:Firebug, Planet Mozilla Since JSON explorer for HTTP network responses was quite successful feature (at least according to all the feedback I have got), I have implemented a XML Explorer that can be used to inspect XML based responses received from the server. This feature allows to see XML data in pretty-printed and colorized fashion. Sim
Published:June 28th, 2017 Comments:No Comment Category:React, Testing This post is written by Charlie Crawford who teaches for appendTo, who offers React Training Courses for developer teams. There are many things to love about React, but one of the biggest pain points in React is project bootstrapping. As React takes a modular "roll your own" framework approach, it can take some time to get your
Published:May 7th, 2009 Comments:37 Comments Category:Firebug, Planet Mozilla Since there is not much user documentation related to Firebug features (and there is a lot what to know about) I have decided to put together several posts about existing features. This post is intended as a detailed explanation of the Net panel from the user perspective. This post is not about developing an extension fo
NetExport is a Firebug extension that allows exporting all collected and computed data from the Net panel. The structure of the created file uses HTTP Archive (HAR) format (based on JSON). Manual HAR export is natively supported by Firefox 42+. Implementing automated export by triggering HAR export directly from within the page is supported by an extension HAR Export Trigger. This is the recommend
Published:September 12th, 2008 Comments:38 Comments Category:Firebug, Planet Mozilla I have been waiting for a long time to write about this. Since Bug 430155 (new nsHttpChannel interface to allow examination of HTTP data before it is passed to the channel's creator) is now fixed, it's possible to intercept HTTP traffic from within a Firefox extension! This fix should be part of Firefox 3.0.4. Thi
Published:July 8th, 2008 Comments:29 Comments Category:Firebug, Planet Mozilla Have you ever been interested in what extensions are available for Firebug? If yes, take a look at what I have found. Frankly, I was quite surprised how many Firebug extensions already exists out there. YSlow Firecookie FirePHP RainbowForFirebug Jiffy Firequark LiveCoder PixelPerfect FirebugCodeCoverage Firebug Net Pane
Published:February 5th, 2008 Comments:29 Comments Category:Extending Firebug Tutorial It's been a while since I have started contributing to Firebug. Everybody use this amazing Firefox extension and I am having great time with exploring the underlying architecture. Well, it was hard time at the beginning 😉 I had to dive into unknown waters and understand what's under the hood. I remember it quite
Firecookie is a an extension for Firebug that makes possible to view and manage cookies in your browser. Apart from all the other cookie managers and viewers available as Firefox extensions, this one is made as an extension for Firebug, so web developer has the functionality accessible within familiar Firebug's UI. Firecookie has been integrated with Firebug 1.10a11 so, you don't need to install i
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