iPhone 16e
This page includes diagrams in WebGPU, which has limited browser support. For the full experience, use Chrome on Windows or Mac, or a developer build on other platforms. In this post I will describe Use.GPU's text rendering, which uses a bespoke approach to Signed Distance Fields (SDFs). This was borne out of necessity: while SDF text is pretty common on GPUs, some of the established practice on g
Part 1: Climbing Mount Effect - Declarative Code and Effects Part 2: Reconcile All The Things - Memoization, Data Flow and reconciliation Part 3: Headless React - Live, Yeet Reduce, No-API, WebGPU Live It is actually pretty easy to build a mediocre headless React today, i.e. an implementation of React that isn't hooked directly into anything else. react-reconciler is an official package that lets
Presented at the Tools for Thought workshop, Recurse Center, NYC 2016 Hi, I'm Steven. I usually start with my website, aka that site with that header, as my defacto calling card. This effect is powered by WebGL, and consists of live geometry generated in JavaScript and streamed into the GPU. This way I can feed large amounts of data in very efficiently, in this case about 45,000 triangles. The sit
"I think a lot of mathematics is really about how you understand things in your head. It's people that did mathematics, we're not just general purpose machines, we're people. We see things, we feel things, we think of things. A lot of what I have done in my mathematical career has had to do with finding new ways to build models, to see things, do computations. Really get a feel for stuff. It may s
MathBox² Work in Progress / SIGGRAPH 2014 WebGL BOF Steven Wittens unconed http:// acko.net
For a while now I've been working on MathBox 2. I want to have an environment where you take a bunch of mathematical legos, bind them to data models, draw them, and modify them interactively at scale. Preferably in a web browser. Unfortunately HTML is crufty, CSS is annoying and the DOM's unwieldy. Hence we now have libraries like React. It creates its own virtual DOM just to be able to manipulate
Ending The Ice Age of JavaScript The demo is striking: Unreal Engine, running live in a browser, powered by Mozilla's Asm.js, offering near native performance with hardware accelerated graphics. A gasp here, a wow there, everyone is surely impressed. And look ma', no plug-ins: just JavaScript, Web Audio and WebGL! Just don't mind the 10 second hang on load as it's Preparing JavaScript. When I hear
Fusing WebGL, CSS 3D and HTML Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. Today's flight on WebGL Air will take us high above the cloud. Those of you sitting in Chrome class, on the desktop side of the plane, will have the clearest view. Internet Explorer class passengers may turn to their in-seat entertainment system instead. Passengers are reminded to put away their iPads and iPhones du
Making WebGL Dance or How I Learnt to Stop Worrying and Love Linear Algebra Steven Wittens unconed http:// acko.net How to DrawWhere to DrawWhat to Draw
"Take the universe and grind it down to the finest powder and sieve it through the finest sieve and then show me one atom of justice, one molecule of mercy. And yet," Death waved a hand, "And yet you act as if there is some ideal order in the world, as if there is some… some rightness in the universe by which it may be judged." Mathematics has a dirty little secret. Okay, so maybe it's not so dirt
“The power to understand and predict the quantities of the world should not be restricted to those with a freakish knack for manipulating abstract symbols.” Bret Victor, “Kill Math” f=Math; e=document.body.children[$=0]; G="globalCompositeOperation"; Q=.43; P=.05; with(e){ with(style)width=(w=innerWidth-9)+"px", height=(h=innerHeight-25)+"px"; W=(width=w/=2)/2; H=(height=h/=2)/2; g=getContext("2d"
For most of my life, I've found math to be a visual experience. My math scores went from crap to great once I started playing with graphics code, found some demoscene tutorials, and realized I could reason about formulas by picturing the graphs they create. I could apply operators by learning how they morph, shift, turn and fold those graphs and create symmetries. I could remember equations and fo
Sub-pixel Distance Transform High quality font rendering for WebGPU
Parallax, GPUs and Technofetishism If the world is going to end in 2012, Acko.net will at least go out in style: I've redesigned. Those of you reading through RSS readers will want to enter through the front door in a WebKit-browser like Chrome, Safari or even an iPad. The last design was meant to feel spacious, the new design is spacious, thanks to generous use of CSS 3D transforms. CSS 3D vs. We
I've been administering Unix machines for many years now, and frankly, it kinda sucks. It makes me wonder, when sitting in front of a crisp, 2.3 million pixel display (i.e. a laptop) why I'm telling those pixels to draw me a computer terminal from the 80s. And yet, that's what us tech nerds do every day. The default Unix toolchain, marked in time by the 1970 epoch, operates in a world where data i
If you haven't seen it yet, check out the JS1K demo contest. The goal is to do something neat in 1 kilobyte of JavaScript code. I couldn't resist making one myself, so I pulled out my bag of tricks from my Winamp music visualization days and started coding. I'm really happy with how it turned out. And no, it won't work in Internet Explorer 8 or less. Edit: OH SNAP! I just rewrote the demo to inclu
Update: People keep asking me to use this code, apparently unaware this has been made obsolete by CSS 3D. So it's gone now. The Canvas tag's popularity is slowly increasing around the web. I've seen big sites use it for image rotation, graph plotting, reflection effects and much more. However, Canvas is still limited to 2D: its drawing operations can only do typical vector graphics with so-called
Drag the blue handles or change the settings to the right. By Steven Wittens. For more information, see the related blog post. Tested on Safari and Firefox 3.
jQuery Plug-in Farbtastic is a jQuery plug-in that can add one or more color picker widgets into a page through JavaScript. Each widget is then linked to an existing element (e.g. a text field) and will update the element's value when a color is selected. Download Farbtastic 1.2 - January 8, 2007 (License: GPL). Demo Farbtastic uses layered transparent PNGs to render a saturation/luminance gradien
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