CES 2025
Epic Games released an initial public implementation of the Verse programming language. Verse has been designed by some people who really know what they’re doing: Lennart Augustsson Joachim Breitner Koen Claessen Ranjit Jhala Simon Peyton Jones Olin Shivers Tim Sweeney It’s amazing to see a CEO help design a programming language but Tim Sweeney has been advocating for functional programming in gam
For the past few years I’ve been the most senior developer on my teams in Atlassian, in both position (Principal Engineer) and time (almost 9 years) - this means I usually take on the responsibility of managing our software architecture. Architecture is the relationships between systems, which can be fairly tricky to talk about. Probably the best form of communication is a diagram, with boxes repr
Eta is a fork of GHC which provides Haskell with a JVM backend. I've been working on it recently and did a presentation on it at LambdaJam. One of the questions from my presentation was "since Eta takes Haskell and produces JVM code, can I use it to write Android apps?" I had a feeling Eta was close to being able to. It turns out it's not just close, it's pretty easy! Let's write some code which u
I’ve been working on Roy’s new type system which uses a concept called row variables. I’ve also been thinking about TypeScript’s unsound variance issues with its implementation of structural subtyping. That lead to an interesting discussion on Twitter about row polymorphism compared to structural subtyping. Both are trying to type code like the following: let f x = x.a + x.b f {a: 1, b: 2, c: 100}
I’ve been playing around with making a dependently typed language. It’s based upon Martin-Löf Type Theory (commonly just called Type Theory, TT). Turns out that implementing a dependent type system is a great way to learn how to use one! I had written code to translate from my toy languages’ terms into TT - but I wanted a compiler, so that I could execute it somewhere outside of the evaluator/norm
Promises are being debated in the JavaScript community. The most popular specification is Promises/A+. It’s a fairly small specification, containing only a single function: then. The function is heavily overloaded which makes it quite complicated - way more than it has to be. I’ll try to show how category theory can give us a much simpler, more generalised and lawful API! A proper Promise/A+ imple
I’ve been working on a Yesod webapp over the past few weeks. I noticed that the skeleton contained a deploy/Procfile. I also know of a couple of developers that have managed to get Haskell running on Heroku. Heroku Cedar is the polyglot platform which allows you to push any binary that will run on their servers. I first tried using Ubuntu 12.04 to compile the binary. Bad mistake; Heroku uses 10.04