Function objects − hash (C++11) Swap − Type operations (C++11) Integer comparison (C++20) pair − tuple (C++11) optional (C++17) expected (C++23) variant (C++17) − any (C++17) bitset − Bit manipulation (C++20)
This page is maintained as best-effort and may lag behind most recent compiler releases. If you see something is out-of-date, please help us by updating it! The following tables present compiler support for new C++ features. These include accepted revisions to the standard, as well as various technical specifications:
[edit] Rule of three If a class requires a user-defined destructor, a user-defined copy constructor, or a user-defined copy assignment operator, it almost certainly requires all three. Because C++ copies and copy-assigns objects of user-defined types in various situations (passing/returning by value, manipulating a container, etc), these special member functions will be called, if accessible, and
The objective of this page is to build a comprehensive list of open-source C++ libraries, so that when one needs an implementation of particular functionality, one needn't to waste time searching on web (DuckDuckGo, Google, Bing etc.). If you know a library that might be useful to others, please add a link to it here. There are no restrictions on what can be included except that the source of the
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1) Initializes the accumulator acc (of type T) with the initial value init and then modifies it with acc = acc + *i(until C++20)acc = std::move(acc) + *i(since C++20) for every iterator i in the range [first, last) in order. 2) Initializes the accumulator acc (of type T) with the initial value init and then modifies it with acc = op(acc, *i)(until C++20)acc = op(std::move(acc), *i)(since C++20) fo
Function objects − hash (C++11) Swap − Type operations (C++11) Integer comparison (C++20) pair − tuple (C++11) optional (C++17) expected (C++23) variant (C++17) − any (C++17) String conversions (C++17) Formatting (C++20) bitset − Bit manipulation (C++20) Debugging support (C++26)