Single page layouts are taking off in a big way. It seems as if every product page nowadays is single paged, so I thought I’d have a little spin at it with this jQuery plugin. This allows you to create single paged layouts with a few optional custom UI elements such as fold up menus. Check out the demo and enjoy! I’ve tested this on most major platforms and browsers and it seems to work fine on al
Today I’d like to share with you a little jQuery plugin that creates an image slider which gives more information when clicked on. I’ve also included a bunch of built-in animations for the modal windows giving some pretty cool effects. Check out the demo above. Hover over the images and click ‘MORE’. You’ll see a modal window appear with a CSS animation. So first off you can check out the demo abo
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a very useful tool for drawing shapes and figures with simple code. It is probably one of the most useful tools that web designers are hesitant to use, although once you understand it, you’ll wonder how you lived without it! In this series we’ll be going through the basics of SVG, including how to use it and what it can do for you. This article is part of a series
HTML5 Canvas Canvas Element Lines Line Line Width Line Color Line Cap Curves Arc Quadratic Curve Bezier Curve Paths Path Line Join Rounded Corners Shapes Custom Shape Rectangle Circle Semicircle Fill Styles Color Fill Linear Gradient Radial Gradient Pattern Images Draw Image Image Size Image Crop Image Loader Text Font, Size & Style Text Color Text Stroke Text Align Text Baseline Text Metrics Text
Hyperlinks are used to navigate between webpages. The hyperlinking of documents creates the web of texts which is the foundation of WorldWideWeb. The hyperlinks create a never-ending set of documents. We all know that Berners-Lee was the person who had the vision of creating a web of pages. SpringerLink discusses the importance of hyperlinks while mentioning how such a web…
A CSS Only Rotating Menu! Click the plus button, and then try clicking the icons!
HTML5 File Upload Uploading files to the server has been disabled, but is available in the download
Today we’re going to be creating a file uploader using HTML5 drag and drop, along with the file reader API and some PHP. We’ll also be using local storage to remember which files were uploaded by the user. Getting Started For this tutorial I’m using jQuery and an icon font called symbolset. If you don’t want to get symbolset you could use an alternative or just not use a symbol font all together!
In CSS we have many ways to style things in any way we want. When it gets to forms though, things get a little complicated. Text inputs are easy, but checkboxes and radio buttons are very difficult to style with CSS. In this tutorial I’ll show you exactly how to style these inputs and make awesome forms with just CSS! The Basics Effectively, a really good idea for styling checkboxes the only way t
CSS3 Filters are a quite interesting offshoot from SVG, allowing you to modify HTML elements and images with blurs, brightness and a lot more. In this quick tutorial we’ll go over exactly how they’re going to work. How it Works Using just CSS we can accomplish some pretty complicated effects. These should be applicable to both images and HTML elements, but obviously browsers will vary for the fore
The other day I was thinking that I quite liked these little ribbon things that people add to their images, so I put together this little tutorial on how to make your own. I came up with a few ideas, but they honestly didn’t look right without the use of images. This CSS only ribbon fits on most images and can be integrated easily into existing code. Usage Often these are used for when you want to
CSS4 Already?! Yeah, the CSS4 specification is already in the early stages of being written (for selectors, anyway). I must stress just how work in progress this is, in the sense that some of this stuff might not make the final cut, while more stuff may be added. It will however give you an idea of what you can expect some of this to turn up in the real CSS4 specification. Most of these ideas are
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 <head> <script src="http://www.html5canvastutorials.com/libraries/kinetic-v3.6.4.js"> </script> <script> window.onload = function(){ var stage = new Kinetic.Stage("container", 578, 200); var layer = new Kinetic.Layer(); var rectX = stage.width / 2 - 50; var rectY = stage.height / 2
Welcome to Basic Tutorials! In these tutorials we’ll focus on the fundamental drawing capabilities of the HTML5 Canvas, including line and curve drawing, path drawing, shape drawing, gradients, patterns, images, and text. HTML5 Canvas Basic Tutorials Prerequisites All you need to get started with Basic Tutorials is a modern browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, or IE9, a good work
Welcome to WebGL Tutorials! In these tutorials we’ll use Mr. Doob’s Three.js WebGL library to explore 3-d Primitives, Lighting, Textures, Materials, Scenes, and Exported Models. HTML5 Canvas WebGL Tutorials Prerequisites All you need to get started with WebGL is a modern browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari, a good working knowledge of JavaScript, [...]