Das HTML5shim ist erforderliche Grundlage, um coole HTML5 Elemente wie canvas, video, audio oder datalist, aber auch die “langweiligen” Sectioning Elemente wie nav, article, section etc. sowie andere langweilige Elemente wie mark, figure, figcaption etc. in älteren IE-Versionen einsetzen zu können. Da das HTML5shim erfordert, dass der Nutzer JS eingeschaltet hat, wird dies gerade im Zusammenhang m
about jme is an HTML5 audio / video development kit with Flash Fallback, which focuses on flexibility, intuitive DOM-API and semantic code. not only just another html5 audio / video player a media developement kit / media libary for jQuery based on HTML5 media elements and Flash (JW Player) as "backend" CSS stylable and accessible controls as flexible building blocks an unified API, that works lik
AJAX Queue/Cache/Abort/Block Manager v. 3.0 Helps you to manage AJAX requests and responses (i.e. abort requests, block requests, order requests). It is inspired by the AJAX Queue Plugin and the AjaxQueue document in the jQuery-Wiki. $.manageAjax.create (uniqueName, options) Creates a new ajaxmanager and returns it. Takes a list of options: normal jQuery-Ajax-Options queue: (true|false|'clear') th
CSS 3 Media Queries for all Browser (jQuery Plugin) The script adds basic Media-Query-Support (min-width and max-width in px units ) to the browsers. It helps you to create a dynamic resolution dependent layout with webstandards in mind. How to use: Add your stylesheets You should add a default stylesheet without a Media Query, wich always will be interpreted by the browser. Then you can add one o
jQuery: Background-Position Animation Plugin How to use: $('#background').animate({backgroundPosition: '10% 250px'}); Example: $('#background') .click(function(){ $(this) .animate({backgroundPosition: '500px 150px'}) .animate({backgroundPosition: '-20px 250px'}) ; }); Known Issue Due to a bug in FF 2.0, you have to set your (initial) background-position inline: <div style="background-position: 10p
$('#toggle-all').click(function(){ $('#example input[type=checkbox]').checkBox('toggle'); return false; }); $('#check-all').click(function(){ $('#example input[type=checkbox]').checkBox('changeCheckStatus', true); return false; }); $('#uncheck-all').click(function(){ $('#example input[type=checkbox]').checkBox('changeCheckStatus', false); return false; });