iPhone 16e
CircleCI generates its own database.yml for every build. It then creates the database using the newly created database.yml file and loads the schema. It sets the environment to ‘test’ and runs the test cases. I needed some data that was loaded using seed and a rake task. This data was preserved from truncation between test cases. The problem was that Circle didn’t use migrations and seeding but us
Writing ‘good code’ is always a challenge for every project. Unfortunately, we always associate it with development and not tests. What about automation test code? Ever notice that you have write more automation code than the actual lines of development code? Improper automation code leads to slow running specs, huge LOC in your spec files and a whole lot of confusion when you open a spec file. So
Most of us are aware that enabling API access for rails application is easy as Rails provides RESTful APIs by default. However, a little complexity arises when some responses are expected in xml format (maybe for some legacy system) and JSON format. Complexity increases when these API calls need authentication. The initial obvious thought that comes to ones mind is to create different views for ea
Speed for search result filtering is critical. Its fine for site users to wait for some time (maybe a few seconds) to load the search results but after that filtering better be fast otherwise people lose interest. To give a simple example of how things are not user friendly is if you go to ebay.com or ebay.in. Its frankly appalling! For every click and every selection, the entire page refreshes. T